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Mindful Urgent Care

Mindful Urgent Care

Mindful Urgent Care


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Avia Summary

Mindful Urgent Care is a solution provided by Mindful Urgent Care which was founded in 2018. It belongs to multiple categories of digital health solutions including Behavioral Health, On-demand Behavioral Health, Improving Engagement & Self-Management, Comprehensive Perinatal Care, Health Equity, and Behavioral Health Integration.
Some other resource(s) that may be helpful in learning about Mindful Urgent Care include: A Buyer’s Guide to Digital Behavioral Health and Top Digital Behavioral Health Companies Report
Same-day psychiatric and addiction care for patients in NYC, Long Island, Westchester, Hoboken & Chicago. Offering one-on-one and group therapy options for MUC patients. Immediate medication and symptom stabilization: Clear treatment protocols and algorithms, with strict prescription policy against potentially habit forming medications. Strong strategic relationships with major hospital systems near its 8 office locations. In 2020, formed partnership with CrossFit to broaden treatment regimes to include group fitness & nutrition counseling. [https://www.mindfulurgentcare.com](https://www.mindfulurgentcare.com)
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Use cases and differentiators

Accessibility of Care: Mindful provides a same-day, affordable solution for those in need of mental health & addiction counseling. Mindful can also help ease patient inflows at hospitals by providing an effective, mental health focused alternative to emergency rooms and psychiatric wards. Symptom Stabilization & Recovery: Mindful's provision of immediate medication and symptom stabilization combined with its long-term TelePsych offering enhances the opportunity for patient recovery.
Mindful recognizes that young adults confront a range of early life challenges that can derail their continued development and overall wellbeing. As such, Mindful provides a range of treatment regimes and programs specifically tailored to the needs of these younger patients. These treatment regimes include one-on-one and group therapy sessions as well as those involving the patients' parents. Non-habit forming medication and behavior modification regimes are also included when appropriate. The range of psychiatric issues treated include but are not limited to anxiety & depression, eating disorders, conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder. [https://www.mindfulurgentcare.com/contents/what-we-treat.](https://www.mindfulurgentcare.com/contents/what-we-treat.) [https://www.mindfulurgentcare.com/services/adolescent-disorders](https://www.mindfulurgentcare.com/services/adolescent-disorders)
Minors to the elderly encompass the age range of Mindful patients. In-network, out-of-network and cash payors included in patient population. Patients requesting in-person and virtual therapy sessions treated as well as those interested in e-group CBT.
Nation's first urgent care provider to focus on the treatment of mental health and addiction issues. Internal options include hospital emergency rooms & in-patient treatment wards. ER's are not best equipped to treat these types of patients with 70% of such individuals sent home after preliminary ER evaluation and 30% sent to in-patient wards. Often another 4-6 weeks to see a mental health specialist leaving patients vulnerable to relapse, self-harm and subsequent ER visits.
Mindful is both readily accessible and affordable. No other urgent care provider focuses on mental health and addiction treatment as their core offering, leaving such patients without effective care. Outpatient psychiatrists' extensive wait times and fees often place such care outside the reach of everyday Americans. Mindful Urgent Care also maintains extensive relationships with leading hospital systems, insurance carriers and other urgent care providers creating a strong patient referral network and competitive advantage.
Company information

Founded in 2018

1.5M total equity funding



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  • AMC
  • Pediatric Facilities
  • ACO
  • Rural Presence

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