Help your patients gain access to cutting-edge treatment options.
You don’t have to be a Principal Investigator or Sub-Investigator to participate in research! TrialSpark partners with physicians to help their patients access new treatments by connecting them with nearby clinical trials.
Benefits of partnering with TrialSpark
- Provide innovative, new, treatments to patients who would not otherwise have access to these options
- Contribute to the research and development of new treatment options for patients in a lightweight capacity
- Receive compensation for time spent identifying and speaking with patients regardless of whether patients enroll into a study
- Receive TrialSpark’s support to identify patients and refer them to studies
- Increase patient and physician diversity in clinical research through community participation, broadening patient reach and retention through referrals from physicians they know and trust
Access to more studies
Sites in TrialSpark’s network gain first access to new studies. We work with you to understand your site’s study experience and interests, bring relevant study opportunities directly to you, and handle sponsor interactions on your behalf.
Faster feasibility & selection
Based on the data you have provided on your site’s study experience and interests, we present you with relevant study opportunities and move your site through our feasibility process. Once presented with a study opportunity, TrialSpark works fast to qualify your site and move toward site activation - typically within 1-2 weeks.
Access to site technology and enrollment support
Reduce unnecessary work using TrialSpark resources designed specifically for sites. Our proprietary software enables sites to bypass manual EDC entry, and our in-house research nurses provide screening support to help you enroll as quickly as possible.
Best-in-class monitoring partners
Our monitors are the best in the business. They are responsive, knowledgeable, and won't waste your time.