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The Womens Center
The Womens Center

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Product Description:

DiagMMR is designed to be a predictive diagnostic tool that enables preventive follow-up and counselling for affected mutation carriers who are at high risk for developing Lynch syndrome related cancers.

While current Lynch syndrome diagnosis relies heavily on tumor studies, the quantitative DiagMMR method allows carrier diagnosis based on a minimally invasive tissue sample before the person has developed any cancer, without the knowledge and details of an inherited mutation.

The inherent challenges to variant interpretation in genetic testing can be avoided and the conclusive and actionable results removes the burden of uncertainty from both the patients and the treating medical professionals.

About LS CancerDiag:
LS CancerDiag Ltd is committed to reducing cancer mortality rates with a low-cost, simple diagnostic method that detects an inherited cancer-causing condition prior to cancer. Their vision is to see DiagMMR™ as a new global testing standard in LS diagnostics. Lynch syndrome is the main cause of hereditary colorectal cancers and it also causes a broad spectrum of other tumors. With a significant proportion of the world’s population carrying the Lynch syndrome mutation, there are potentially tens of millions under a severe risk for being affected by LS. Their groundbreaking DiagMMR™ assay is an easy functional test that can be used for diagnosis of MMR deficiency i.e. Lynch syndrome (previously known as Hereditary Non­Polyposis Colorectal Cancer; HNPCC). Their mission is to save lives through an innovation that dramatically simplifies diagnostics of Lynch syndrome by delivering predictive and accurate results with a fast, unique and cost-efficient method globally.
Product Description:
The Women's Center stands as a pillar of compassion and expertise in women's health services, dedicated to nurturing the well-being of women at every stage of life. Recognizing the unique health challenges women face, our center is staffed with specialized professionals including a PCOS specialist, a breast cancer specialist, and a mammogram specialist. Each expert is committed to providing personalized care, understanding, and support, ensuring every woman who walks through our doors receives the highest quality of care and attention. Whether you're seeking comprehensive health screenings, expert advice on managing a specific condition, or compassionate support through a health journey, The Women's Center is here to stand by you, offering a safe and nurturing environment for all your health needs.
About The Womens Center:

The Women's Center stands as a pillar of compassion and expertise in women's health services, dedicated to nurturing the well-being of women at every stage of life. Recognizing the unique health challenges women face, our center is staffed with specialized professionals including a PCOS specialist, a breast cancer specialist, and a mammogram specialist. Each expert is committed to providing personalized care, understanding, and support, ensuring every woman who walks through our doors receives the highest quality of care and attention. Whether you're seeking comprehensive health screenings, expert advice on managing a specific condition, or compassionate support through a health journey, The Women's Center is here to stand by you, offering a safe and nurturing environment for all your health needs.

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Use Cases



1 in 279 people have Lynch syndrome, i.e. inherited mismatch repair (MMR) deficiency, making it the most common cause of hereditary cancers.


Lynch syndrome (LS) is inherited with 50% probability within affected families. Each single year, more than 2 million new cancer cases should be tested for LS.


Individuals with inherited MMR deficiency have an up to 80% risk of developing cancer and at a significantly younger age than the general population.


DiagMMR is a simple and accurate test to reliably detect MMR deficiency, supporting the early detection of Lynch syndrome, enabling preventive care and helping save lives.

Pediatric use cases:

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Not specified


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Pediatric use cases:

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EHR Integrations


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EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

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None provided

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Company Details

Founded in 2013

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