Fabric Genomics™ (formerly known as Omicia) is a global computational genomics company offering end-to-end genomic data analysis, annotation, curation, classification, and reporting solutions to clinical labs, hospital labs, country sequencing programs, research institutions, and life science companies. Fabric Genomics’ analytic capabilities begin with raw data analysis and include the delivery of rapid, comprehensive insights for high throughput panels, exomes, and whole genomes. Our software can process FASTQ, BAM or VCF files, providing alignment, variant calling, guideline-driven variant classification, variant interpretation, and clinical reporting for hereditary diseases and oncology. Our breakthrough Biograph technology enables accurate detection of structural variants and provides population-scale data mining capabilities. Fabric Genomics was founded by scientists and industry pioneers in bioinformatics, large-scale genomics and molecular diagnostics and is headquartered in California. By accelerating access to insights related to the cause of genetic diseases, Fabric Genomics is leading the way in precision healthcare.