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CloudMedx Inc

CloudMedx Inc

CloudMedx Inc


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CloudMedx Inc is a solution provided by CloudMedx Inc which was founded in 2015. It belongs to multiple categories of digital health solutions including Care Plans, Clinical Decision Support (CDS), and Clinical Decision Support Systems.
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CloudMedx is a Clinical AI Computing platform that uses healthcare specific NLP and Machine learning to generate real-time clinical insights at all points of care to improve patient outcomes. The award winning technology is run by experts in machine learning, neuroscience, medicine, and data science and brings unprecedented scale and simplicity to the application of brain-inspired clinical algorithms to healthcare. CloudMedx utilizes evidence based algorithms and deep learning for making sense of a wide variety of structured and unstructured data that is stored in clinical workflows. Through its algorithms and technology clinical partners at all levels can derive meaningful and real-time insights from their data and intervene at critical junctures of patient care. Trusted by some of the best performing provider organizations in the country, CloudMedx are passionate about bringing a comprehensive and adaptive platform to healthcare.
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Founded in 2015

7.3M total equity funding



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Reviewer’s Role
  • End user
  • Project manager
  • IT / Technical support
  • Executive sponsor
  • Internal consultant
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Reviewer’s Org Size
  • XL ($5B+ NPR)
  • L ($3-5B NPR)
  • M ($1-3B NPR)
  • S ($0.2-1B NPR)
  • XS (< $0.2B NPR)

Reviewer’s Org EMR compatibility

Reviewer’s Org Type
  • AMC
  • Pediatric Facilities
  • ACO
  • Rural Presence

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