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DIMEC is a solution provided by DIMEC which was founded in 2013. It belongs to multiple categories of digital health solutions including Patient Experience & Engagement, Clinical Communication, and Human Capital Management .
Some other resource(s) that may be helpful in learning about DIMEC include: Digital front door: The key to staying ahead in healthcare
The DIMEC App is the UK's first, truly NHS-systems integrated & NHS Digital (formerly HSCIC) assured mobile app, connecting patients directly to their GP & Pharmacist allowing wholly patient initiated repeat prescription ordering. First pilots to occur February 2017. DIMEC synchronises a patient's phone with their GP record providing an up-to-date record, which is then available offline. From this, patients can order repeat prescriptions directly to an authorising GP's workflow. Authorised prescriptions are sent automatically via the Electronic Prescription Service for dispensing by the patient's chosen pharmacy, as selected in-app. DIMEC even updates the patient's nominated pharmacy automatically as required. Patients are kept updated with notifications and can set reminders to improve adherence. DIMEC also converts data for simple insertion into Apple's Medical ID so that this vital information is available to healthcare professionals even when the phone is locked. CCGs are scrapping pharmacy led ordering as data show this costs £2-6m in medicines waste per CCG per annum! DIMEC provides an alternative! Every DIMEC order is wholly patient initiated! This, coupled with reminders drives down medicines waste without compromising medicines access as well as improving adherence and augmenting health gains. DIMEC consists of pharmacists with community, hospital & military experience and leading mobile app technologists. DIMEC - Your Pocket Prescription!
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Founded in 2013



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  • End user
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  • XL ($5B+ NPR)
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Reviewer’s Org Type
  • AMC
  • Pediatric Facilities
  • ACO
  • Rural Presence

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