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Best Interpretation Services Products

Best Interpretation Services Products

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Nearly 9% of the U.S. population is at risk for an adverse event because of language barriers, according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Increasing access to language services can be a financially viable method for enhancing delivery of healthcare to patients with limited English proficiency. By equipping staff with the ability to better communicate with patients in languages other than English, health systems have the opportunity to improve quality and safety while also increasing patient satisfaction.

Digital tools connect clinicians and staff to language services in real time through telephone interpreting, video interpreting, and remote simultaneous interpreting systems.

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Interpretation Software & Services

Software & services designed to reduce language barriers and improve healthcare literacy for patients, typically offered in person, via video remote, or over the phone.

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Interpretation Services: Market Map


Interpretation Services Overview

Category Description

Nearly 9% of the U.S. population is at risk for an adverse event because of language barriers, according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Increasing access to language services can be a financially viable method for enhancing delivery of healthcare to patients with limited English proficiency. By equipping staff with the ability to better communicate with patients in languages other than English, health systems have the opportunity to improve quality and safety while also increasing patient satisfaction.

Digital tools connect clinicians and staff to language services in real time through telephone interpreting, video interpreting, and remote simultaneous interpreting systems.

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Avia Summary

  • Interpretation Services is a popular category with 15 products in AVIA Marketplace

  • There are 4 verified clients including academic medical centers, accountable care organizations, pediatric facilities and clients with rural presence using a Interpretation Services solution at their organization

  • Subcategories of Interpretation Services includes Interpretation Software & Services

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Interpretation Services: Market Map


Interpretation Services Overview

15 products

Listed in AVIA Marketplace

1 products

With AMC Clients

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With ACO Clients

1 products

With Rural Clients

1 products

With Pediatric Clients

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Interpretation Services: Market Map

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