1. Synthetic data as test data:
Testing and development with representative test data is essential to deliver state-of-the-art software solutions.
Using personal data or original production data as testdata is not allowed and alternative methods are outdated and introduce “legacy-by-design”.
Our solution
Deliver and release state-of-the-art software solutions faster and with higher quality with AI generated synthetic test data.
- Production-like data
- Privacy by design
- Easy, fast and agile
2. Synthetic data for analytics:
We are in the middle of the digital revolution and data-driven solutions are about to change our entire world. However, those data-driven solutions are only as good as the data that they can utilize. This is challenging due to strict data / privacy regulations.
No data = no analytics. Many organizations have a sub-optimal data foundation where data cannot simply be used and shared.
Our solution
Build your strong data foundation with easy and fast access to as-good-as-real AI generated synthetic data.
- Unlock (sensitive) data
- As-good-as-real data
- Easy, fast and scalable
3. Synthetic data for product demo’s:
Seeing is believing: you will need “demo data” for product demo’s to astonish your prospects with next-level product demos.
You potentially miss opportunities, because your demo data is suboptimal for product demo’s.
Our solution
Astonish your prospects with next-level product demos, tailored with representative AI generated synthetic demo data.
- Errorless, high quality demo data
- Tailor your product demo
- Easy, fast and agile