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Product Description:
Based in San Francisco and Shanghai, Driver is a technology platform that connects cancer patients to treatments and knowledge, all over the world, to get more life. With an app for the patient and an app for the doctor, Driver’s platform enables any cancer patient, regardless of their location, to access treatment options across Driver’s global network of cancer centers without leaving home. Driver’s network includes over 30 of the world’s leading cancer centers, including its founding members the US National Cancer Institute and the Chinese National Cancer Center. Other members of Driver’s network include the Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic, Massachusetts General Hospital, University of California San Francisco, University of California Los Angeles, Duke, University of North Carolina, and Emory. Driver was founded in 2015 by two physicians, Dr. William R. Polkinghorn and Dr. Petros Giannikopoulos, and Driver’s lead investor is Horizons Ventures (Li Ka Shing).
About Driver:
Based in San Francisco and Shanghai, Driver is a technology platform that connects cancer patients to treatments and knowledge, all over the world, to get more life. With an app for the patient and an app for the doctor, Driver’s platform enables any cancer patient, regardless of their location, to access treatment options across Driver’s global network of cancer centers without leaving home. Driver’s network includes over 30 of the world’s leading cancer centers, including its founding members the US National Cancer Institute and the Chinese National Cancer Center. Other members of Driver’s network include the Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic, Massachusetts General Hospital, University of California San Francisco, University of California Los Angeles, Duke, University of North Carolina, and Emory. Driver was founded in 2015 by two physicians, Dr. William R. Polkinghorn and Dr. Petros Giannikopoulos, and Driver’s lead investor is Horizons Ventures (Li Ka Shing).
Product Description:
Censinet is the first and only third-party risk management platform built by and for healthcare organizations to assess the threats to patient care that exist within the expanding ecosystem of vendors. Censinet is a an exchange-based platform that is purpose-built to solve specific problems and challenges for healthcare organizations, setting it apart from other approaches in the market. At its core, Censinet enables broader risk coverage and reduces administrative burden by eliminating the use of inefficient spreadsheets and simplifying, automating, and streamlining risk management workflows. With its unique One-click Assessment™ capabilities and Digital Vendor Catalog™, the Censinet Platform reduces the time to assess vendor risk from weeks to seconds, while automating inefficient workflows and providing continuous real-time insights into the changing risk profile of each vendor and product. Censinet Digital Vendor Catalog™ lets users easily access and manage all vendors in one place. Providers can quickly search and find risk assessments on more than 5,000 vendors and 7,600 products across an inventory of healthcare IT software/hardware product categories (clinical, EHR, patient engagement, infusion pumps, patient monitoring, mobile health, PPE, etc.) and types (software, hardware, on-premise, cloud, hybrid, consulting services, mobile, wearables, etc.). As providers and vendors interact with the platform, the Censinet Digital Vendor Catalog’s™ value organically increases for all end users in the form of consistent execution of risk assessments, faster turnaround for both providers and vendor sales cycles, and clear tracking of corrective action plans for future follow up. All Censinet questionnaires are versioned with full history and audit trails. Standard risk questionnaires cover thousands of clinical, business, and operational applications whether in the cloud, on-premises, or hybrid, plus hardware devices and appliances, and other connected internet of things (IoT) devices.
About Censinet:
Censinet provides the first and only third-party risk management platform built by and for healthcare providers to manage the threats to patient care that exist within an expanding ecosystem of vendors. With its unique Censinet One-click Assessment™ capabilities and Digital Vendor Catalog™, the Censinet Platform reduces the time to assess vendor risk from weeks to seconds, while automating inefficient workflows and providing continuous real-time insights into the changing risk profile of each vendor. Censinet is based in Boston, MA and can be found at https://censinet.com/

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EHR Integrations


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EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

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EMRs Supported:

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Hardware Compatibility:

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EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

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EMRs Supported:

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Hardware Compatibility:

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Client Types

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Company Details

Founded in 2015

Founded in 2017

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