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Product Description:
Based in San Francisco and Shanghai, Driver is a technology platform that connects cancer patients to treatments and knowledge, all over the world, to get more life. With an app for the patient and an app for the doctor, Driver’s platform enables any cancer patient, regardless of their location, to access treatment options across Driver’s global network of cancer centers without leaving home. Driver’s network includes over 30 of the world’s leading cancer centers, including its founding members the US National Cancer Institute and the Chinese National Cancer Center. Other members of Driver’s network include the Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic, Massachusetts General Hospital, University of California San Francisco, University of California Los Angeles, Duke, University of North Carolina, and Emory. Driver was founded in 2015 by two physicians, Dr. William R. Polkinghorn and Dr. Petros Giannikopoulos, and Driver’s lead investor is Horizons Ventures (Li Ka Shing).
About Driver:
Based in San Francisco and Shanghai, Driver is a technology platform that connects cancer patients to treatments and knowledge, all over the world, to get more life. With an app for the patient and an app for the doctor, Driver’s platform enables any cancer patient, regardless of their location, to access treatment options across Driver’s global network of cancer centers without leaving home. Driver’s network includes over 30 of the world’s leading cancer centers, including its founding members the US National Cancer Institute and the Chinese National Cancer Center. Other members of Driver’s network include the Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic, Massachusetts General Hospital, University of California San Francisco, University of California Los Angeles, Duke, University of North Carolina, and Emory. Driver was founded in 2015 by two physicians, Dr. William R. Polkinghorn and Dr. Petros Giannikopoulos, and Driver’s lead investor is Horizons Ventures (Li Ka Shing).
Product Description:

EscrowAITM is a patented (US Patents #11,531,904 and #11,748,633) zero-trust project-based collaboration workflow software that facilitates sightless computing on PHI. 

EscrowAI enables secure collaborations between data steward(s) and model developer(s) by:
• Maintaining data sovereignty (the data remains in the data steward’s secure environment)
• Protecting patient privacy (the PHI data is never seen or shared and remains encrypted at rest, in transit, and during compute in the data steward’s secure environment)
• Protecting the intellectual property of the model (at rest, in transit, and during compute in the data steward’s environment)
• Ensuring the mutually approved performance report leaves the enclave without exfiltrating patient data

EscrowAI includes workflow-driven user interfaces for both the model developer and the data steward(s), security and privacy enhancing technology capabilities for identity and access management, attestation, key management, and the Trusted Execution Environment. The user experience is supported 24/7 with an online help center and issue reporting as well as customer service.

EscrowAI is fully HIPAA and GDPR compliant. EscrowAI is available in the Azure Marketplace and may be purchased through Microsoft. EscrowAI is a Microsoft Azure Computing (MAC) quote eligible solution.

Typical use cases include:
• Industry-sponsored research on data that cannot be de-identified (small population, genomics, social determinants of health, retinal imaging, etc.) or the effort to de-identify would be too costly or time consuming
• Multi-site validation to demonstrate the generalizability of a model
• Multi-jurisdictional development requiring compute on data that cannot leave its location
• Multi-institutional research infrastructure in which models will be sent to various institutions for computing

About BeeKeeperAI, Inc.:

BeeKeeperAI provides a privacy enhancing, multi-party collaboration platform to enable data stewards to maintain data sovereignty and patient privacy while engaging in HIPAA compliant, ethical commercial arranagements with third-parties to license and sightlessly compute on PHI data for the advancement of healthcare AI, ML, and LLM innovation. 

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Use Cases


None provided

Pediatric use cases:

None provided


None provided


EscrowAI enables a third-party to validate its model (AI, ML, or LLM) on primary clinical data. Because data sovereignty and patient privacy are protected at rest, in transit, and during compute ethical commercial arrangements for licensing the data are fully permissible under HIPAA.  

Pediatric use cases:

Clinical decision support models

Precision medicine models 

Disease trajectory models 


Data stewards

Model developers 

EHR Integrations


None provided

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

None provided

EMRs Supported:

None provided

Hardware Compatibility:

None provided


None provided

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

None provided

EMRs Supported:

None provided

Hardware Compatibility:

None provided

Client Types

None provided
None provided


Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

None provided

Differentiators vs Competitors:

None provided

Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

EscrowAI is a SaaS application, maintained by BeeKeeperAI. 

Differentiators vs Competitors:
  • Provides protection at rest, in transit, and during compute (end-to-end) for both the clinical data (PHI) and intellectual property of models
  • Delivers a zero-trust, privacy enhancing workflow solution that seamlessly integrates the point solutions required for confidential computing making EscrowAI a "push-button" solution 
  • SaaS offering that can be activated in hours, not days
  • Enables secure computing on clinical data (PHI) eliminating the need to de-identify the data 
  • Available for purchase on pre-existing Microsoft agreements
  • Microsoft Azure Computing (MAC) quota eligible - every dollar spent on EscrowAI through the Azure Marketplace applies to the contracted MAC quota 



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Company Details

Founded in 2015

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