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Pre-Visit Planning

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Product Description:
Single Source of Truth (SSOT) Health Blockchain Platform as a Service is an enterprise grade B2B platform as a service, enabling businesses to rapidly prototype their ideas and validate potential markets in a cost and time efficient manner. The platform also supports a B2C model for freelancers to develop their applications or provide professional services. Alternatively, individual developers can use it as a learning or prototyping platform. Apart from providing a lab-like environment, the platform also provides blockchain application development and hosting services, and a marketplace for contributing and selling blockchain applications. SSOT Health will provide healthcare institutions an easy access to a platform that enables them to develop, test and manage FHIR enabled Hyperledger and Ethereum blockchain applications using different blockchain protocols to achieve rapid prototyping, cost efficiency and a fail-safe environment. This way, organisations can incorporate Bimodal IT strategies to stimulate and encourage innovation while making sure mission critical applications are not impacted. The SSOT Health platform will support distributed hosting for blockchain network nodes and off-chain applications while providing a centralised platform service for developing, managing and regulating blockchain networks. SSOT Health simplifies and expedites blockchain application development, gives you the flexibility to choose between different programming languages and blockchain runtimes that better suit your needs. You receive unparalleled benefits from an integrated collaborative development environment, workspace management, version control repository and many preconfigured tasks. Let our platform do the heavy lifting while you focus on value-adding work such as application creation and experimenting with the blockchain technologies at a fraction of the cost and time. Our goal is to provide an intuitive, reliable, unified, interoperable & scalable blockchain development framework for healthcare enterprises to quickly test ideas for their real world viability. We will help you to fail faster so that you can succeed sooner.
Single Source of Truth (SSOT) Health Blockchain Platform as a Service is an enterprise grade B2B platform as a service, enabling businesses to rapidly prototype their ideas and validate potential markets in a cost and time efficient manner. The platform also supports a B2C model for freelancers to develop their applications or provide professional services. Alternatively, individual developers can use it as a learning or prototyping platform. Apart from providing a lab-like environment, the platform also provides blockchain application development and hosting services, and a marketplace for contributing and selling blockchain applications. SSOT Health will provide healthcare institutions an easy access to a platform that enables them to develop, test and manage FHIR enabled Hyperledger and Ethereum blockchain applications using different blockchain protocols to achieve rapid prototyping, cost efficiency and a fail-safe environment. This way, organisations can incorporate Bimodal IT strategies to stimulate and encourage innovation while making sure mission critical applications are not impacted. The SSOT Health platform will support distributed hosting for blockchain network nodes and off-chain applications while providing a centralised platform service for developing, managing and regulating blockchain networks. SSOT Health simplifies and expedites blockchain application development, gives you the flexibility to choose between different programming languages and blockchain runtimes that better suit your needs. You receive unparalleled benefits from an integrated collaborative development environment, workspace management, version control repository and many preconfigured tasks. Let our platform do the heavy lifting while you focus on value-adding work such as application creation and experimenting with the blockchain technologies at a fraction of the cost and time. Our goal is to provide an intuitive, reliable, unified, interoperable & scalable blockchain development framework for healthcare enterprises to quickly test ideas for their real world viability. We will help you to fail faster so that you can succeed sooner.
Product Description:
Capture quality and risk gaps, utilization, medications, and other relevant data with appointments on a given date. Integrate with scheduling data via practice management platforms Support medical assistants with pre-visit planning, showing key patient context to holistically address needs Highlight quality gaps for closure based on patient contract Details on suspected risk coding gaps for comprehensive coding Utilization history and medication summaries beyond the EHR provide teams with a fuller patient picture
About Arcadia.io:

Arcadia.io is a healthcare data & software company dedicated to healthcare orgs achieving financial success in value-based care. Arcadia.io specializes in the integration of data from EHR platforms, enriching them with claims and operational data. The resulting dataset is combined with the tools needed to integrate data and transform it into a format usable for the population-level analysis that powers their quality-driven delivery networks at the point of care. Arcadia's combined solution delivers more cost-effective utilization, improvements in quality, and more accurate risk capture, delivering enterprise-level transformational healthcare outcomes.

Trusted by independent provider groups, health plans, and integrated delivery networks nationwide, with expertise in both fee-for-service optimization and value-based performance environments, Arcadia supports providers with the benchmark data, insights, and outsourced services to excel in the evolving landscape of American healthcare.

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Use Cases


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Pediatric use cases:

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Pediatric use cases:

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EHR Integrations


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EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

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EMRs Supported:

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Hardware Compatibility:

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None provided

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

None provided

EMRs Supported:

None provided

Hardware Compatibility:

None provided

Client Types

None provided


Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

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Differentiators vs Competitors:

None provided

Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

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Differentiators vs Competitors:

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Company Details

Founded in 2017

Founded in 2001

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