Acuity Revenue Cycle Analytics is an analytics platform that leverages data from across the revenue cycle continuum (from patient access to remittance) to provide a holistic, cross-functional view into behaviors, processes and trends for the purpose of making timely decisions impacting financial outcomes, staff productivity and patient experience.
• Dashboard showing a snapshot of critical information to quickly and easily identify problem areas in the revenue cycle.
• Data compilation is automatic and in near real-time.
• 80+ standard (yet also customizable) reports are available.
• Users can create unique reports using any available criteria for unique use cases.
• Suggested performance thresholds based on industry-wide data give context for whether performance is exceeding, on track or lagging goals.
• Offers suggested thresholds or customize to meet unique needs. Visual indicators highlight when performance is outside of thresholds.
• Acuity Advisor helps guide use of the wealth of data within the application by suggesting reports for common issues.
• Reporting Bundles include visibility into data to improve processes in Patient Access, Services Rendered, Billing Efficiencies, Reimbursements, Denial Analysis, and Payer Relations.