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Product Description:

Who we are: Triplemoon is a digital health platform transforming family wellness by addressing critical gaps in mental, behavioral, and nutritional health. We partner with employers to improve their culture and their bottom-line through purposeful investment in family health.

What we offer: Triplemoon offers both individual employee benefits and corporate education services.

Individual employee benefits: Our individual employee benefit programs offer families seamless, integrated support through our digital health platform including four components, below.

  • 1-1 coaching: An extra partner in parenting available by text, phone and video supporting each family’s needs. Our coaches are deep subject-matter experts who educate, advocate, and connect with families to achieve sustainable, healthy habits. Triplemoon coaches all have formal clinical education (nursing, social work, doula) and 2+ years experience working with families in their area of expertise. Triplemoon provides even further formal training and continuous monitoring. 

  • Library of digital courses: Our experts have distilled the leading clinical research into short, digestible, modularized courses that can be accessed virtually, anytime and anywhere. Our courses give parents actionable strategies on the biggest challenges they face across parenting, physical health, adult mental health, infant/child mental health. 

  • Clinical care: Licensed, clinical experts available to our members when, and where they need them. Our experts cover areas including adult mental health (PMAD, couples, perinatal), infant/child mental health (neurodivergences, behavioral), and nutrition / functional medicine.

  • Community: Expert-facilitated discussions within our member community to promote member-led sharing and camaraderie in a safe, and facts-first environment.

Corporate education services: Our corporate education services deliver high-impact, group education in a workshop or seminar format. Our corporate education is designed to foster community, create accountability, and drive action amongst the most vulnerable populations by bringing together the best evidence-based education with small-group coaching.

Our areas of expertise: We support many ages and stages with expertise in 4-core areas:

  1. Parenting: Our parenting skills modules blend evidence-based research in child development, attachment theory, interpersonal neurobiology, and infant mental health to empower authentic and intuitive parenting: stages of development, play, tantrums, sibling rivalry, discipline, childcare selection, potty training…and so much more!
  2. Adult mental health: Recent research from Harvard shows that child and parent mental health are closely connected. Our Adult Mental Health modules offer a compassionate approach covering postpartum mood and anxiety disorders, couples health, postpartum identity, stress management and coping, burnout, growing your family
  3. Child mental health: Pew Research shows child mental health is the #1 concern parents have (above drugs, alcohol, gun violence, etc). Our modules empower parents to proactively address their child’s needs including: neurodivergences, developmental delays, anxiety and sadness, traumatic events, coping and stress in young children
  4. Physical health: Our nutrition modules focus on easing parental stress around food and fostering sustainable, healthy eating habits that support the whole family biologically and emotionally. We cover: nutrition fundamentals, infant feeding, picky eating, nutrition for fertility and postpartum.

Why we’re different: We act as an extension of your team to save you money and time. There are four factors that make us a truly distinctive partner.

  1. Deep expertise in parenting: We go deep on parenting covering topics that support the whole family – parenting foundations, mental health, behavioral health, physical health - for the whole family, and all in one place.
  2. Roots in behavioral science: We’re more than case-managers. Our coaches use the latest behavioral science to help our members identify their goals and build healthier, more sustainable lifestyles. Our digital courses are based on the leading clinical research, broken-down and modularized for busy parents who need an answer.
  3. Tiered support model: We know the benefits space is busy, and we work with employers to find the right solution for your population. Our multimodal approach allows us the flexibility to find a format and cost structure that meets your organizational goals. We evolve alongside you as your needs change.
  4. Focus on ROI: We understand that wellness benefits are an investment both in your culture and in your bottom line. We partner with your organization to set discrete objectives, and then relentlessly measure progress to maximize your ROI by reducing turnover, absenteeism and healthcare costs.
About Triplemoon:

Triplemoon is a digital health platform transforming family wellness by addressing critical gaps in mental, behavioral, and nutritional health for parents and their employers. 

Product Description:
Research suggests that if behavior-related risk factors were eliminated, 80% of all heart disease, diabetes and stroke could be prevented, as could more than 40% of US cancer cases and deaths. CareCentra has worked with academic institutions (HBS, Stanford, Princeton) and business partners (Intermountain Healthcare, Baylor Scott & White), to develop a personalized behavior-shaping algorithm for each individual to significantly improve health outcomes, while reducing utilization – the MoBEMap. CareCentra’s MoBEMap algorithm has proven to maximize patient engagement, loyalty and customer satisfaction, no matter what channel or application is used to deliver personalized nudges. By pairing the algorithm with a brand or device, that brand can directly benefit from industry leading engagement results. CareCentra has been able to achieve engagement rates that exceed that of Facebook and Twitter, while driving Net Promoter Scores that rival habitual brands like Starbucks (NPS ~77) and Costco (NPS ~79). We have presented key results of the experience using Google’s HEART framework below to set out impact measures in perspective
About CareCentra:
CareCentra’s mission is to help people choose the healthiest possible action, in a connected, collaborative, compassionate way. We built the first AI-driven, behavior shaping platform that offers remote digital care journeys for patients with multiple chronic conditions - all of the same platform. This omnichannel solution creates micro-interventions tailored to individuals. In other words, it offers a choice of health actions and nudges patients towards those they are motivated to do and able to do in managing their health. An integrated suite of four digital care experiences out-of-the-box – a Patient Experience, a Care Giver experience for family members of patients, a Care Navigator Experience for case managers and healthcare professionals, and a Population Health module that reports progress visually, deliver this vision. Randomized clinical trials with Intermountain Health have demonstrated that this precision nudging platform significantly improves care plan adherence, reduces utilization, and improves patient satisfaction

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Use Cases


Healthcare organizations are seeking evidence-based, scalable solutions that address patient and workforce well-being. Triplemoon offers an innovative solution, perfectly suited to address the unique needs of working families to improve mental, behavioral, and nutritional health outcomes.


Parents are facing higher levels of burnout and mental health strain than ever before. A lack of comprehensive, accessible family health solutions exacerbates these challenges, contributing to higher healthcare costs and a general decrease in parental morale. 

Triplemoon’s digital health platform uniquely addresses the challenges faced by parents by offering a comprehensive suite of solutions:  

Parent & Patient Benefits

1-1 Coaching:

- Continuous, accessible support for parents and caregivers via text, phone, or video.  

- Connect with coaches with advanced clinical training (e.g., nursing, social work) providing tailored guidance for each unique family challenge.  

- Drive behavior change using evidence-based coaching, supporting parents in creating sustainable, healthy habits.  

Digital Courses:

- Short, actionable, and accessible anytime.  

- Address pressing parenting concerns like tantrums, child neurodivergence, and parental burnout.  

Clinical Care:

- On-demand, licensed clinicians available for adult, child, and nutritional health needs.  

- Personalized clinician matching ensures higher adoption and better outcomes, reducing healthcare spend.

Community Engagement:

- Expert-facilitated member forums create peer connections, reducing isolation among parents and caregivers.  

Corporate Education Services

Workshops & Seminars:

- Evidence-based group education designed to address key workforce challenges.  

- Topics range from managing burnout to supporting neurodivergent children and stress management.  

- Creates shared accountability and fosters community among employees.  

Why Triplemoon:

Improved Parent and Patient Well-being

 - Address burnout and stress through personalized coaching and clinical care.  

 -Normalize parental mental health challenges by providing safe, accessible resources.  

 - Boost resilience and engagement among all parents.  

Healthcare Cost Reduction:

 -Improve morale and reduce costs with early intervention for mental, behavioral, and physical health issues.  

Scalability and Flexibility

 -Triplemoon's multimodal approach can be tailored to fit the diverse needs of any patient or organization.  

Evidence-Based and ROI-Focused

- Rooted in clinical research and behavioral science, Triplemoon offers measurable outcomes for patients.  

With Triplemoon, you will provide your patients with a game-changing solution to foster healthier, happier families.

Pediatric use cases:

Triplemoon provides evidence-based support and guidance for parents with children of any age. We work alongside the pediatric team to ensure parents receive the support they need at every stage. 


Triplemoon provides support for parents with children of any age. We are here to help from day one. 


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Pediatric use cases:

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None provided

EHR Integrations


None provided

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

None provided

EMRs Supported:

None provided

Hardware Compatibility:

None provided


Acute care EMR, Ambulatory EMR, Patient portal

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

Use case dependent

EMRs Supported:

Epic, Cerner, Allscripts, athena

Hardware Compatibility:

Desktop, Mobile / Tablet (web optimized), Mobile / Tablet (native app)

Client Types


Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

None provided

Differentiators vs Competitors:
  • Deep expertise in parenting: We go deep on parenting covering topics that support the whole family – parenting foundations, mental health, behavioral health, physical health - for the whole family, and all in one place.

  • Roots in behavioral science: We’re more than case-managers. Our coaches use the latest behavioral science to help our members identify their goals and build healthier, more sustainable lifestyles. Our digital courses are based on the leading clinical research, broken-down and modularized for busy parents who need an answer.

  • Tiered support model: We know the benefits space is busy, and we work with employers to find the right solution for your population. Our multimodal approach allows us the flexibility to find a format and cost structure that meets your organizational goals. We evolve alongside you as your needs change.

  • Focus on ROI: We understand that wellness benefits are an investment both in your culture and in your bottom line. We partner with your organization to set discrete objectives, and then relentlessly measure progress to maximize your ROI by reducing turnover, absenteeism and healthcare costs.

Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

CareCentra is an AI company that shapes behaviors in healthcare settings.  

It is the only platform of its kind that builds personalized choice architectures based on the Nobel Prize winning nudge theory. Choice architecture in our context is the design of different ways in which choices can be presented to patients, and the impact of that presentation on the patient’s decision-making. For example, the number of choices presented, the way attributes are described, and the presence of a "default” can all influence patient choice. As a result, the deliberate design of choice architecture to nudge patients toward personally and socially desirable behaviors like adhering to standards of care, choosing healthier foods, managing stress or social integration. These interventions are often justified by the fact that well-designed choice architectures can compensate for irrational decision-making biases to improve health outcomes. CareCentra’s platform works by generating nudges (a combination of content, frequency, channel, and incentive) designed for a segment-of-one in what we call precision nudging  

Differentiators vs Competitors:

CareCentra’s MoBe Platform 

Persuasive technologies shape behaviors. Like Instagram (whose cofounder Mike Krieger was a student of B.J. Fogg in Stanford) and other popular social media platforms, they are behaviorally tuned and help form habits. Used appropriately, persuasion rather than reminders, help build long term habits of actions like medication adherence, stress management etc.  

The drop-out rates of <5% on all our deployments over 12-24 months testify to the ability of the platform to retain engagement over long periods of time. This allows deployment to manage chronic diseases and preventive care programs like fitness or wellness that require sustained engagement. 

The CC platform is designed for delivering adaptive nudges at scale. No two patients managing the same condition, say heart disease, respond to care plans in the same way. As a learning system the platform gets ‘smarter’ over time. It delivers nudges based on the patient’s MoBe Map ensuring high levels of responsiveness and engagement. 

The architecture of our platform allows a health system to license a SaaS module for, say, Medication Adherence, and once integrated into their workflow, keep adding other digital care journeys like heart health, breast cancer, maternity, etc. all on the same platform. The care journeys we offer cut across type of condition (chronic or acute) and site of care (in-hospital or at home) coordinating with care teams as relevant or permitted. This is also why the platform can be deployed by providers, payers, and employers in various settings. 

CareCentra’s platform is both omnichannel (text, App, IVR, Alexa etc.) and integrates with multiple personal devices without requiring any specific hardware within the provider or with the patient. 

CareCentra is a B2B platform that targets at-risk populations and risk-bearing plans. The aggregate populations come from providers, payers and through Pharma partnerships. The Maternity Care journey is, however, a product that lends itself to a B2C model that we do not intend pursuing in the near future 

The CareCentra platform collects behavior data at the level of individual patients for every care journey in combination with clinical data. This makes its algorithms effective in building personalization and engagement. 






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