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MedData Virtual Screener


MedData Virtual Screener Alternatives

MedData Virtual Screener

Top 10 MedData Virtual Screener Alternatives & Competitors

Give your patients 24/7 access to an automated, phone-in, self-screener to help them instantly determine whether they qualify for payer programs that may cover their medical expenses. The process is simple. Hospital staff provide patients with phone access, the facility’s client code, and the patient’s account number. When the patient calls in, MedData’s technology takes care of the rest, asking questions related to potential coverage for: • Eligibility – Medicaid, Medicare, and COBRA • Victims of Crime programs • Third Party Liability & Workers’ Compensation • Veterans Administration programs • Indian Health Service • Disability (SSDI/SSI) Contactless screening meets physical distancing requirements. Warm hand off to MedData increases patient responsiveness post-discharge. Screening results are loaded directly to the EHR via Robot Process Automation. Virtual Screener Training Toolkit removes the implementation burden from your leadership team. MedData’s Advocate Team follows up on Medicaid application from submission to approval. English and Spanish are available.
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Overall Top 10 MedData Virtual Screener Alternatives & Competitors for Large Health Systems

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