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Optical Shutters LST200SLP

Optical Shutters LST200SLP

Optical Shutters LST200SLP


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Optical Shutters LST200SLP is a solution provided by NM Laser Products. It belongs to the digital health solution Improving Engagement & Self-Management.
The LST200SLP high-speed optical shutter model is designed for use as a fast process optical shutter and quick reaction laser safety interlock. The inherent speed is achieved with minimum electrical power requirement. The LST200SLP is used routinely in application that operates 24/7/365, accumulating billions of cycles. It is our highest reliability product. Laser shutter controller choice affects switching speeds. The solid copper package efficiently manages thermal flow, delivering the heat to the mounting surfaces. Compatible system controllers are CX4000B or user-built circuits designed around 24 VDC. Special considerations for this model are primarily thermal mounting. The Output Aperture face is the ideal surface for high heat loads, and the bottom threaded surface for lower heat loads. Restricted use for this model include close proximity to high magnetic fields and strict observance of optical power rating. Environments subjecting shutter to large size particles could inhibit shutter motion. See the Mechanical Drawing tab for dimensions. Also see the Application Notes in the Technical Information menu for important operational issues including: thermal mounting, user-built circuits, polarization, lifetime, jitter, vacuum operation, and contamination. See the Product Matrix page to compare laser shutter models.
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