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Intellijoint Surgical

Intellijoint Surgical

Intellijoint Surgical


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Intellijoint Surgical is a solution provided by Intellijoint Surgical which was founded in 2010. It belongs to multiple categories of digital health solutions including Supply Chain Management and Surgery & OR Operations.
Intellijoint Surgical™ is a privately held Canadian medical device company committed to assisting orthopaedic surgeons meet their surgical objectives. Focused first on hip surgery, Intellijoint Surgical’s affordable Smart Tools enhance surgeon accuracy, improve patient outcomes and increase hospital economic efficiencies. intellijoint HIP™ is a low cost, easy to use Smart Tool that assists surgeons with accurate selection, positioning and alignment of implants during hip replacement surgery. The device uses a combination of hardware and software, and integrates miniature optical sensors and microelectronics. Without altering surgical techniques or workflow, intellijoint HIP provides surgeons with quantitative intra-operative data regarding changes in cup position, leg length and offset while adding approximately 3-5 minutes to surgery. This data expedites decision-making and improves accuracy in achieving pre-operative planned targets, ultimately improving patient outcomes and reducing outliers. Our flagship product, intellijoint HIP, was initially born out of a final year university design project. Engineer Armen Bakirtzian came up with the idea for a product to make hip replacement surgeries more accurate after discussions with his orthopaedic surgeon father. Armen teamed up with colleagues Richard Fanson and Andre Hladio to pitch the idea at Next Top Young Entrepreneur Start-Up Pitch Competition in 2010. After winning the competition and securing an initial round of investment, the three entrepreneurs co-founded Intellijoint Surgical and began the journey to bring intellijoint HIP* to market. Today, intellijoint HIP* has obtained both a Health Canada license and has been cleared by the FDA. The product has been utilized by surgeons in over 200 procedures in the US and Canada. The company will continue to expand into other areas, include knee arthroplasty in the near future.
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Founded in 2010

20.4M total equity funding



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  • AMC
  • Pediatric Facilities
  • ACO
  • Rural Presence

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