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Aaptiv is a solution provided by Aaptiv which was founded in 2015. It belongs to multiple categories of digital health solutions including Personalized wellness and DIY Care.
Aaptiv Inc. is a leading provider of premium digital health and wellness content with a fast-growing community of nearly 200,000 members who take on average 30,000 of Aaptiv's exclusive classes each day. With a mission to empower everyone to live a healthier life, Aaptiv has transformed the way people exercise and train through its innovative use of sound. Every Aaptiv class combines the guiding voice of an expert Aaptiv trainer with motivating music by top artists in every genre. This audio-based format eliminates distractions, allowing members to focus on their fitness goals, when and where it suits them. Aaptiv members have unlimited, on-demand access to over 2,500 audio-guided workouts and structured programs across every type of exercise and a wide variety of activities, including running, strength-training, yoga, indoor cycling, meditation, and more. Each workout or program is created by one of Aaptiv's 20 certified trainers who focus on goal attainment, encouragement, and positive reinforcement – emphasizing the importance of both mind and body strength in living a healthy life. Aaptiv constantly provides members with fresh content, adding 40 new classes every week. Launched in 2016 by founder and CEO Ethan Agarwal, Aaptiv has over 90 employees in its New York office and has raised over $50m from leading venture capital firms and top companies, including the Amazon Alexa Fund and Disney. To learn more and to download the app, visit Aaptiv.com.
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Founded in 2015

52.1M total equity funding



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  • End user
  • Project manager
  • IT / Technical support
  • Executive sponsor
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Reviewer’s Org Size
  • XL ($5B+ NPR)
  • L ($3-5B NPR)
  • M ($1-3B NPR)
  • S ($0.2-1B NPR)
  • XS (< $0.2B NPR)

Reviewer’s Org EMR compatibility

Reviewer’s Org Type
  • AMC
  • Pediatric Facilities
  • ACO
  • Rural Presence

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