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Carepoynt is a solution provided by Carepoynt which was founded in 2015. It belongs to multiple categories of digital health solutions including Personalized wellness, Personal Health Records (PHR), and Consumer Insights.
Some other resource(s) that may be helpful in learning about Carepoynt include: Digital front door: The key to staying ahead in healthcare
Carepoynt is the first Rewardsware for Healthcare™ program, platform and network for the massive Health and Wellness market Living a healthy life is easier when we are connected, encouraged and rewarded by our trusted network. And that's exactly what the Carepoynt program, platform and network does and what the Carepoynt Community is all about. Learn more @ www.carepoynt.com As a Carepoynt consumer/member > It’s your VIP all access pass to More Rewarding Healthcare experiences and CarePoynts™ are the return on your investment in healthy living. As a Carepoynt customer/partner > is a program, a platform and a network for patients, providers, employers, payers and partners. And for your company its so much more than 'just' a Rewardsware for Healthcare™.solution. Contact you and we'll show you what Carepoynt can do for you. We are new, growing fast and here to change how everyone engages with our costly, chaotic and chronically uncoordinated healthcare system by creating better experiences, results and outcomes for all involved. We hope you’ll “joyn” us on our journey to make healthcare more rewarding for all! Connect. Align. Reward. Engage. Succeed! connect@carepoynt.com Joyn us! > app.carepoynt.com/joyn About us (the more boring but more 'official' version) Carepoynt is the first health-focused rewards program, platform and network that puts consumers at the center of their own healthcare experience. Developed in response to the costly, chaotic and uncoordinated healthcare ecosystem, Carepoynt is a compelling consumer centric program built around our multi-channel, cloud-based Rewardsware for Healthcare™ platform where members can connect, align, engage and be rewarded within a trusted network of healthcare focused providers, payers, employers and strategic partners. These Carepoynt Community partners use the platform to encourage consumers to earn, redeem and share CarePoynts™ for themselves and their CareCliques™ by participating in prescriptive or self-directed CarePlans and interactions with a variety of health and wellness providers, product and services partners. By engaging in the compelling and personalized consumer-oriented experiences that Carepoynt enables for payer and employer wellness programs, patients, providers and partners can achieve improved engagement, better outcomes and mutually rewarding results. Connect with us @ www.carepoynt.com or connect@carepoynt.com or app.carepoynt.com/joyn
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Founded in 2015

3.5M total equity funding



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Reviewer’s Role
  • End user
  • Project manager
  • IT / Technical support
  • Executive sponsor
  • Internal consultant
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Reviewer’s Org Size
  • XL ($5B+ NPR)
  • L ($3-5B NPR)
  • M ($1-3B NPR)
  • S ($0.2-1B NPR)
  • XS (< $0.2B NPR)

Reviewer’s Org EMR compatibility

Reviewer’s Org Type
  • AMC
  • Pediatric Facilities
  • ACO
  • Rural Presence

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