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OhmniClean Autonomous UV-C Disinfection Robot

OhmniClean Autonomous UV-C Disinfection Robot

OhmniClean Autonomous UV-C Disinfection Robot

2 verified clients
OhmniClean Autonomous UV-C Disinfection Robot
OhmniClean Autonomous UV-C Disinfection Robot


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OhmniClean Autonomous UV-C Disinfection Robot is a solution provided by OhmniLabs which was founded in 2015. It belongs to the digital health solution ED-based SUD Interventions.
It has 2 verified clients.

The world is evolving. Disinfection is no longer behind the scenes. You're handling more and more disinfection requests, but aren't getting more headcount.

The answer is automation. OhmniClean combines autonomous driving with serious UV-C germicidal power that tackles C.Diff, MRSA, and VRE in record time.

With product design optimized by working alongside real EVS teams, OhmniClean empowers you to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Disinfect with Hospital-Grade Efficacy: Tested by a 3rd-party microbiology laboratory, OhmniClean has been proven to reduce pathogens with high efficacy and efficient exposure times. 

Audit UV-C dosage with dosimeters to ensure your hospital disinfection grade is kept to a high standard.

  • Log6 reduction of E.Coli in < 3min
  • Log4 reduction of C.Diff in < 3min
  • Log6 reduction of MSRA in < 3min
  • Log6 reduction of VRE in < 3min
  • Log6 reduction in P. aeruginosa In < 3min

Unrivaled Performance & Flexibility: Handle more disinfection requests without more headcount. Handle large spaces and new areas that need disinfection.

Innovation: The product of choice for innovative EVS teams - future-proof & constantly improving.

Control Your Disinfection: Take the guesswork out of manual processes and let OhmniClean routinely disinfect your hospital environment. After every session, OhmniClean provides a disinfection report with in-room position tracking for managers to review the spaces that were covered. View auditable logs for disinfection sessions across all robots and staff in your organization.

Prepare your hospital for the future with OhmniClean.

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Founded in 2015

4.0M total equity funding



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Reviewer’s Org Type
  • AMC
  • Pediatric Facilities
  • ACO
  • Rural Presence

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