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Best Provider Quality & Compliance Products

Best Provider Quality & Compliance Products

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An average hospital spends nearly $7.6M annually on activities to support compliance.

Healthcare providers are subject to a substantial number of regulations that place adds administrative burden to providing quality patient care. Compliance with quality reporting, value-based care models, meaningful use of EHRs, hospital conditions of participation, HIPAA and clinical registries, for example, requires significant labor to manage. Since a quarter of regulatory compliance is managed by...

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Provider Quality & Compliance: Products

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AVIA Marketplace offers a product grid that is a comprehensive resource for health care buyers in their research journey. The grid showcases products from leading vendors and ranks them based on compatibility level and market presence. This approach ensures that the products listed are not only relevant to the buyer's needs but also established in the market. With AVIA Marketplace's product grid, health care buyers can make informed decisions and select products that meet their specific requirements.

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