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Product Description:

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” - Peter Drucker.
Typical call center reporting packages capture the caller's journey only through the brief call center encounter. A caller's journey, however, is much more than the experience in the call center. Most callers:

  • Spend signficant time on hold
  • Get transferred up to 4 times before getting to the correct destination
  • Get their needs resolved only 40% of the time
  • Experience an inconsistent experience over time

Your call center statistics miss all of the actionable insights from the rest of your caller journey.

To help you better understand the typical caller experience, ActiumHealth created Illuminate. ActiumHealth Illuminate attaches our AI to every phone call coming into your call center. Our AI follows the call from first answer, over multiple transfers, and until the caller terminates the call. As a result, Illuminate can provide actinable insights derived from:

  • True call times
  • Resolution rates
  • Broken IVRs and extensions
  • Departmental performance on the phone
  • Intent (the actual reason a person is calling)
  • Satisfactory and unsatisfactory human performance

From this report we can help you understand exactly where our conversational AI voice agents can help.

About ActiumHealth (Division of Syllable):

ActiumHealth, a division of Syllable, is scaling human connection for healthcare call centers. With its leading enterprise-scale GenAI voice agents and unified platform, ActiumHealth automates inbound and outbound patient calls and deep conversation analytics. ActiumHealth has automated over 50 million patient calls and 100 million outreach messages for leading healthcare organizations resulting in increased capacity, improved patient experience, and streamlined workflows. Interact with our GenAI voice agents at actiumhealth.com.

Product Description:
Healthcare is rapidly moving to value-based care (VBC)–where providers are incentivized to deliver value, versus fee-for-service. This trend will be great for patient outcomes and system efficiency. Yet 96% of executives report no contract management system, manual processes, and/or outdated systems. It can take months to model and negotiate contracts. Enter Syntax. Syntax is an enterprise SaaS solution that enables VBC adoption. It offers advanced analytics and a real-time collaborative workspace where myriad stakeholders (actuaries, analysts, network managers, providers) engage in modeling and negotiation. Syntax accelerates the VBC contracting process, improves efficiency, promotes transparency, and reduces friction. As a result, health plans and providers can achieve better outcomes from best-fit aligned incentives. Moreover, they can accelerate the contracting process, improve efficiency, promote transparency and reduce friction from start to finish.
About Syntax Health:

Syntax is the only two-sided SaaS actuarial platform that enables and scales VBC adoption. It offers advanced analytics and a real-time collaborative workspace where myriad stakeholders (actuaries, analysts, network managers, providers) engage in modeling and negotiation. 

Compatibility level

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Use Cases


Diagnostic assessment of current telephone system performance from the caller's perspective.

Pediatric use cases:

Same as adult


Health system executives


For Providers: Managing & negotiating multiple contracts is hectic. Reduce the back and forth, with Syntax.

  • ​Keep all your contracts in one place
  • Simplified, direct communication with all stakeholders
  • Shared contract views mean everyone sees the same contract
  • Eliminate your version control worries (we’ve automated that).

For ACOs: Grow into new markets by more efficiently designing and managing your risk-based contracts.

  • ​A single platform to analyze your data, build your models and measure your performance
  • Expedite the value-based care contracting process by using a process based workflow designed to enable negotiations not hinder them
  • Confidently show potential financial outcomes with drill downs into all data points

For Physician Leads: Make confident decisions knowing what your contract really means

  • Adjust quality and cost terms and see the impact on your value-based projections​
  • Communicate in real-time with your internal and external stakeholders
  • Know what it will take to be successful with clearly defined parameters
Pediatric use cases:

None provided


Syntax is for all VBC stakeholders:

  • Providers
  • Plans & Pay-viders
  • ACOs
  • Digital Health
  • Actuaries & Analysts
  • Netowrk Managers
  • Physician Leads

EHR Integrations



EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

Not applicable

EMRs Supported:

Not applicable

Hardware Compatibility:

Not applicable


None provided

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

Not applicable

EMRs Supported:

Not applicable

Hardware Compatibility:

Mobile / Tablet (web optimized), Desktop

Client Types




Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

Not applicable

Differentiators vs Competitors:
  1. We provide full, end-to-end visibility to the caller journey at your health system or practice.
  2. Simple call forwarding telephony integration
  3. Deploys quickly
  4. Not only provides statistical analysis of call performance but also provides detailed insight into caller experience, intent, resolution, overall phone system health and departmental performance.
Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:


Differentiators vs Competitors:

Syntax offers something entirely new: actuarially credible program design and contract modeling capabilities coupled with transparent, collaborative contract negotiations via our 2-sided workspace. Most solutions in this space are focused on care coordination or population health.

How we're different:  

  • Our SaaS enterprise solution facilitates open, candid, real-time discussions that break down barriers posed by physical distance, lack of trust, or apprehension over the risks associated with implementing a new value-based care model. 
  • Syntax deploys a team-based approach in which everyone can view savings, spend and the direct impact on outcomes/efficiency that different models have. 
  • We enable teams to model contract terms and incentive scenarios using our fast-track templates or they can configure their own using our dynamic model builder. 
  • Syntax also provides the ability to refresh performance measurement on demand, allowing team members to preview emerging trends for course correction and value alignment.
  • We delight customers by automating tasks often done in cumbersome, time-consuming ways.
  • Syntax saves time, removes redundant tasks and improves efficiency.



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An Insider's Playbook - Advancing Success in Value-Based Care.pdf


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