Founded in 1967, Setra Systems, Inc. is a leading designer and manufacturer of pressure, acceleration, and weight sensing devices. Setra has devoted its engineering and research efforts to the development of transducers and systems based on the highly accurate variable capacitive transduction principle. Setraâs founders, Dr. Y.T. Li and Dr. S.Y. Lee, are Professors Emeritus of Engineering at MIT and the coâdevelopers of the variable capacitance transduction principle, the innovative force sensing technology which is the heart of Setraâs products. Setra is ANSIâASQ History Image ISO 9001:2008 certified through our registrar, National Quality Assurance (NQA). This prestigious certification requires Setra to maintain a documented quality system to ensure customer satisfaction through controlled design, manufacturing, and employee training programs. Setra Technology Park owned by Setra Systems, Inc., is located on a scenic 23 acre site in Boxborough, Massachusetts. Setraâs building is approximately 100,000 square feet and houses the executive offices, sales offices, and manufacturing facilities. In addition, Setra has additional manufacturing capacity in China at our wholly owned subsidiary, Danaher Sensors and Controls.