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Quiddity Solutions, LLC.

Quiddity Solutions, LLC.

Quiddity Solutions, LLC.


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Quiddity Solutions, LLC. is a solution provided by Quiddity Solutions, LLC. which was founded in 2015. It belongs to the digital health solution Personalized wellness.
Quiddity Solutions is a seed-stage startup focusing on price transparency in healthcare. We’re creating a dynamic software platform for physicians and provider organizations that reveals the price of healthcare in real-time, at the point of treatment planning. Our unique data collection system integrates many disparate data sources and uses natural language processing with proprietary algorithms to correlate medical research, evidence-based treatment options, and exact cost/reimbursement data. Displayed in a dashboard format, our platform integrates with providers’ existing EHRs and calculates provider cost, patient cost, and payer reimbursements in real-time, based on an individual patient’s specific health insurance plan. Our software enables value-based care (VBC) discussions/decisions to support patient-centered outcomes, while allowing provider organizations to successfully transition to MACRA mandates. Benefits include: enhanced clinical decision support, improved payer/provider synergy, support for shared decision-making conversations, and price transparency to reveal the price tag of medical treatments at a point when it can actually make a difference…during the time of treatment planning.
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Founded in 2015



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Reviewer’s Org Type
  • AMC
  • Pediatric Facilities
  • ACO
  • Rural Presence

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