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7 Cups

7 Cups


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7 Cups is a solution provided by 7 Cups which was founded in 2014. It belongs to multiple categories of digital health solutions including Behavioral Health and Peer Support Services.
Some other resource(s) that may be helpful in learning about 7 Cups include: A Buyer’s Guide to Digital Behavioral Health and Top Digital Behavioral Health Companies Report
7 Cups is an on-demand emotional health and well-being service. Our bridging technology anonymously & securely connects real people to real listeners, or therapists, in one-on-one chat sessions. Anyone who wants to talk about whatever is on their mind can quickly reach out to a trained, compassionate listener through our network. With over 160,000 listeners, from 189 countries providing support in 140 languages, 7 Cups is now the largest mental health delivery system in the world. People connect with listeners or therapists on 7 Cups for all kinds of reasons, from big existential thoughts to small, day-to-day things that we all experience. Unlike talking to family or friends, a 7 Cups of Tea listener doesn’t judge or try to solve problems and say what to do. Our listeners just listen. They understand. They give you the space you need to help you clear your head. 7 Cups also provides simple research-backed steps to overcome 31 different challenges. Organizations, like MIT (https://www.7cups.com/solutions/studentsupport/), use 7 Cups to better support students, employees, and members.
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Founded in 2014



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Reviewer’s Role
  • End user
  • Project manager
  • IT / Technical support
  • Executive sponsor
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Reviewer’s Org Size
  • XL ($5B+ NPR)
  • L ($3-5B NPR)
  • M ($1-3B NPR)
  • S ($0.2-1B NPR)
  • XS (< $0.2B NPR)

Reviewer’s Org EMR compatibility

Reviewer’s Org Type
  • AMC
  • Pediatric Facilities
  • ACO
  • Rural Presence

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