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Haven is a solution provided by Haven which was founded in 2018. It belongs to multiple categories of digital health solutions including Patient Billing & Payment and Revenue Cycle Management (RCM).
Some other resource(s) that may be helpful in learning about Haven include: A Buyer’s Guide to Patient Billing and Payment and Top Patient Billing and Payment Companies Report | 2023
Haven was established by Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, and JPMorgan Chase to bring together the resources and capabilities of the three companies to create better outcomes, greater satisfaction, and lower costs for their U.S. employees and families. Today, if you have a regular and reliable source of care, including preventive care, and can afford your medications and treatments, you can live more than 80 years, on average, with better quality of life than ever before. The advances in modern medicine have been remarkable, but even with insurance, many Americans do not have the basics — because medical treatment and prescription drug costs are high, the system is hard to navigate, and patients don’t consistently get the right care for their needs. We believe it is possible to deliver simplified, high-quality, and transparent health care at a reasonable cost. We are focused on leveraging the power of data and technology to drive better incentives, a better patient experience, and a better system. Our work may take many forms, and solutions may take time to develop, but Haven is invested in making health care much better for all of us.
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Founded in 2018



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Reviewer’s Role
  • End user
  • Project manager
  • IT / Technical support
  • Executive sponsor
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Reviewer’s Org Size
  • XL ($5B+ NPR)
  • L ($3-5B NPR)
  • M ($1-3B NPR)
  • S ($0.2-1B NPR)
  • XS (< $0.2B NPR)

Reviewer’s Org EMR compatibility

Reviewer’s Org Type
  • AMC
  • Pediatric Facilities
  • ACO
  • Rural Presence

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