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Aural Analytics

Aural Analytics

Aural Analytics


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Aural Analytics is a solution provided by Aural Analytics which was founded in 2015. It belongs to multiple categories of digital health solutions including Clinician Burnout, Coding & Documentation, and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Some other resource(s) that may be helpful in learning about Aural Analytics include: Burned out physicians: AI is here to help and Empowering Nurses: Reducing Clinical Burden with Aiva’s AI Solutions
Bringing together decades of research on neurological diseases, artificial intelligence (AI), neuroscience, speech analytics, speech pathology, and mobile software platforms for health monitoring, Aural Analytics has built proprietary metrics that use speech to capture changes in neurological health. With Aural Analytics’ downloadable apps, any smartphone or tablet becomes a powerful brain health monitor. This technology augments traditional functional rating scales commonly used to measure neurological health in clinical trials with objective, interpretable, and continuous outcomes. In turn, this results in more reliable and higher resolution outcomes for evaluating the effectiveness of drugs or other interventions. Aural Analytics’ technology can reveal the incremental changes that occur as a patient progresses from one point on a functional rating scale to the next.
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Founded in 2015

6.0M total equity funding



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  • AMC
  • Pediatric Facilities
  • ACO
  • Rural Presence

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