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Product Description:
PatientLink Enterprises, Inc. has been serving the medical community since 1999 by providing the fastest, most cost-effective way to enter discrete data into the Electronic Medical Records. PatientLink is the leader in getting your clinical data where you need it - in seconds. Your average data entry person could take 10 to 15 minutes to input data into the EMR; PatientLink does it in 10 to 15 seconds. Thousands of physicians at hundreds of hospitals and clinics across America use PatientLink products every day to collect medical data. Our products save time and money, as well as assist in meeting quality measures and revenue generation. With our partnerships with GE in 1999, Allscripts in 2007, and Greenway in 2013, plus inquiries to partner with an assortment of other EMR companies, PatientLink is poised to lead the way in discrete data capture for years to come.
About PatientLink:
PatientLink Enterprises, Inc. has been serving the medical community since 1999 by providing the fastest, most cost-effective way to enter discrete data into the Electronic Medical Records. PatientLink is the leader in getting your clinical data where you need it - in seconds. Your average data entry person could take 10 to 15 minutes to input data into the EMR; PatientLink does it in 10 to 15 seconds. Thousands of physicians at hundreds of hospitals and clinics across America use PatientLink products every day to collect medical data. Our products save time and money, as well as assist in meeting quality measures and revenue generation. With our partnerships with GE in 1999, Allscripts in 2007, and Greenway in 2013, plus inquiries to partner with an assortment of other EMR companies, PatientLink is poised to lead the way in discrete data capture for years to come.
Product Description:

RxKeeper® captures electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePRO), in clinical trials !

Digital technologies offer opportunities and solutions that reduce cost, complexity, and burden.

​Reliable connectivity, remote data capture, and robust compliance mechanisms are the backbone of decentralized clinical trials, underscoring their importance.

There is a need for more capable outreach for decentralized and hybrid trials to populations of patients who often do not participate in clinical trials.

Solutions for the economically disadvantaged and non-tech-savvy population with limited access to technology are crucial to a well-represented clinical trial.

RxKeeper® reminds patients to take their meds on-time, in decentralized clinical trials !

RxKeeper® is a solution to tackle America's costliest health problem: Medication Adherence. This product seamlessly integrates into users' lives and encourages them to take control of their health. 

Poor medication adherence is the most common reason for disparities between results obtained in randomized clinical trials.

About Status Alert LLC:

We are an entrepreneurial startup with innovative ideas we believe will contribute towards a better tomorrow for all. Our solutions will help improve quality of life, reduce cost through greater efficiencies, and safeguard the environment while generating profitable recurring revenues.

Our products are designed to help improve the health of the most vulnerable and in-need individuals by offering highly affordable, advanced technology remote patient monitoring healthcare solutions.


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Use Cases


None provided

Pediatric use cases:

None provided


None provided


RxKeeper® captures electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePRO) in clinical trials!

RxKeeper® reminds patients to take their meds on time in decentralized clinical trials !

This is a turnkey Remote therapeutic management (RTM) platform for Medication Adherence. (For Medicare Patients)

Pediatric use cases:

RxKeeper® captures electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePRO) in clinical trials !

RxKeeper® reminds patients to take their meds on time in decentralized clinical trials!


Clinical Research Organizations, Sponsors, Pharma & Biotech companies.

Medicare and Medicare Advantage patients

EHR Integrations


None provided

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

None provided

EMRs Supported:

None provided

Hardware Compatibility:

None provided


Patient portal, Home health

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

Use case dependent

EMRs Supported:

Not applicable

Hardware Compatibility:

Desktop, Mobile / Tablet (web optimized), Mobile / Tablet (native app)

Client Types

None provided


No awards image


Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

None provided

Differentiators vs Competitors:

None provided

Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

The platform integrates with all EHR systems that have exposed their APIs

Differentiators vs Competitors:

Ready for the Medicare RTM program. Patented and Deployed in the field.



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New RxKeeper Promo.mp4


No content provided

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RTM RxKeeper Expo Brochure Final 9 12 2023.pdf


Company Details

Founded in 1999

team illustration
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