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OASIS Mind and Body

OASIS Mind and Body

OASIS Mind and Body


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OASIS Mind and Body is a solution provided by OASIS Mind and Body. It belongs to multiple categories of digital health solutions including Behavioral Health, Behavioral Health Integration, Chronic Disease Management, Peer Support Services, ED-based Mental Health Interventions, ED-based SUD Interventions, and Personalized wellness.
Some other resource(s) that may be helpful in learning about OASIS Mind and Body include: A Buyer’s Guide to Digital Behavioral Health and Top Digital Behavioral Health Companies Report
OASIS Mind and Body is dedicated to your mental and physical wellness. Our primary services include supportive psychotherapy, aesthetic services, and personalized medication management services for patients 15 and older. We foster your overall wellness through meticulously tailored care, seamlessly integrating medication management services with holistic support. Our goal is to empower our patient’s to be active participants in feeling and being the best version of themselves. At OASIS, you can also find a diverse range of therapeutic modalities, including cognitive behavioral therapy, applied behavioral analysis, and drama & expressive arts therapy to address your mental health needs comprehensively. Additionally, our facility offers several private amenities and provides rejuvenating aesthetic services to enhance your overall well-being and confidence. Visit OASIS Mind and Body to consult with the best psychiatrist in NJ!
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Reviewer’s Org Type
  • AMC
  • Pediatric Facilities
  • ACO
  • Rural Presence

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