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iTreatMD is a solution provided by iTreatMD which was founded in 2015. It belongs to multiple categories of digital health solutions including Chronic Disease Management and Behavioral Health.
Some other resource(s) that may be helpful in learning about iTreatMD include: A Buyer’s Guide to Digital Behavioral Health and Top Digital Behavioral Health Companies Report
iTreatMD provides a point of care app that guides clinicians with check list to treat diseases, and generates encounter notes for clinicians and personalized treatment plan for patients. The quest for digitizing health care has just begun recently. The government mandates and pressure to increase number of patient visits have resulted in numerous challenges for healthcare providers. At the same time, increasing cost of healthcare has resulted in patients demanding better outcomes in fewer visits. iTreatMD addresses these unique challenges — optimizing the encounter time between healthcare providers and patients to result in better outcomes. The face of healthcare is evolving rapidly. Mobile devices have brought healthcare technology at the fingertips of healthcare providers as well as the patients at the point of care. In addition, the “mostly on” connectivity has made it possible to share information faster and more easily between healthcare providers and patients. Electronic Medical Records (EMR) were the first step in digitizing medical practices, their vision is that digital healthcare software can be advanced a lot more to provide a consistent level of care to most patients. They believe that knowledge should not reside in just the best physician’s head for the use of a few patients, but should be available for use by many.
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Founded in 2015



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  • End user
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Reviewer’s Org Type
  • AMC
  • Pediatric Facilities
  • ACO
  • Rural Presence

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