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Product Description:
Care Intellect™ is a provider performance improvement analytics solution that is designed to manage variations across patient encounters, integrating leading evidence-based practices to improve patient outcomes and discover related cost-saving opportunities. Care Intellect puts patients at the center of care delivery by creating a sustainable environment of continuous improvement within the organization. Our approach achieves impact through setting up governance, building organizational capabilities, investing in enabling technology, and using sophisticated analytics to inform decision-making.
About ConvergeHEALTH:
We create new digital ecosystems to shape the future of health. Businesses and stakeholders across the health care ecosystem—from health plans and biopharma, to government agencies and health care providers, to start ups and tech giants—are all building the future of health. ConvergeHEALTH is committed to delivering solutions that enable these organizations to put patients at the center of health care. ConvergeHEALTH creates new health ecosystems to enable the future of health by combining next generation platforms, deep industry experience and novel collaboration models. We move with the agility of a health startup, backed by the global reach of Deloitte to design and offer platforms and services that empower the shift to value-based personalized health care. We do this by creating digitally connected ecosystems comprised of analytics platforms, industry partnerships, and world-class consulting services, all with the unified vision of putting patients at the center of health care.
Product Description:
Make your operations more efficient: With Passport Authorizations, inquiries take place without user intervention, as does status monitoring. Submissions guide staff through the workflow, auto-filling all information Experian Health has received and prompting users only if their involvement is required. Access the industry’s most complete payer database: Experian Health's pre-authorization knowledge base stores and dynamically updates payer prior authorization requirements. Your staff can check whether prior authorization is required for a particular procedure or service, and the knowledge base automatically responds to queries with information needed.
About Experian Health:
Experian is a global information services company that provides information, analytical tools, and marketing services to help clients manage their commercial and financial decisions. The company helps organizations manage credit risk, prevent fraud, target marketing offers, and automate decision making. It also enables individuals to check their credit report and credit score as well as protect against identity theft. The company is listed on the London Stock Exchange (EXPN) and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 index. Experian was co-founded by Michael A Barron and Bernie Brenner in January 1980 and has its corporate headquarters in Dublin, Ireland, with operational headquarters in Nottingham, United Kingdom; California, United States; and São Paulo, Brazil.

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Use Cases

Clinicians and executives are faced with increasing pressure to improve treatment outcomes while simultaneously reducing costs. Administrators and health care delivery teams need visibility into what is happening in the organization if they are truly going to make strides. The challenges are aplenty. The explosion of health care data makes it difficult for people to consume it all on their own. Disparate systems and awkward policies make reports difficult to pull, and can add weeks to the process. Value-based care requires data to be captured across a patient’s life—even while they are at home.
Pediatric use cases:

None provided

Clinicians & Administrators

None provided

Pediatric use cases:

None provided


None provided

EHR Integrations


None provided

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

None provided

EMRs Supported:

None provided

Hardware Compatibility:

None provided


None provided

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

None provided

EMRs Supported:

None provided

Hardware Compatibility:

None provided

Client Types

None provided


Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:
With Care Intellect, organizations can help care delivery teams be more adaptable and agile because they unlock the power and resources of a giant organization in an easy-to-use analytics solution. Reasons for treatment variation come to light in minutes, and putting transparent reporting capabilities in the hands of care delivery teams helps re-energize practitioners’ passion for caring for people, while delivering more positive outcomes to patients. The analytics solution is designed to help manage variations across patient encounters, integrating leading evidence-based practices that improve patient outcomes while discovering the related cost-saving opportunities. And complementary advisory services help organizations turn those insights into new, sustainable processes that yield better financial performance.
Differentiators vs Competitors:
Deloitte’s Clinical Effectiveness subject matter specialists help providers and administrators develop new organizational processes that result from data-fueled actionable insights. Through this tailored blend of analytics and advisory services, health care providers can improve financial margin and consistency of care with: * Effective, real-time management of performance, utilization, and cost to track impact and sustainability of specific initiatives * Guided and ad-hoc analytics * Customized reports to track impact from strategic/growth initiatives * Integrated data set provides single information source of truth for product and service line profitability
Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

None provided

Differentiators vs Competitors:

None provided



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Company Details

Founded in 2014

Founded in 1980

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