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Avel eCare School Health

Avel eCare School Health

Avel eCare School Health


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Avel eCare School Health is a solution provided by Avera eCare. It belongs to multiple categories of digital health solutions including Digital Front Door (DFD), Virtual Health, On-demand Behavioral Health, and Virtual Visits (Synchronous + Asynchronous).
Some other resource(s) that may be helpful in learning about Avel eCare School Health include: A buyer’s guide to conversational AI and Buyer’s guide to the digital front door

Avel eCare School Health delivers nursing coverage to K-12 school districts for the entire school day to ensure immediate response to student needs. Using high-definition video technology, school faculty and staff can connect with dedicated providers at eHelm – the Sioux Falls hub for Avel.

Once a student requires care, school staff can press a button and connect with an experienced registered nurse within 5 minutes for help with:

  • Caring for unscheduled, urgent health care needs due to injury or illness
  • Developing emergency health plans
  • Medical advice for 504 and Individualized Education Program (IEP) plans
  • Providing back-up care when a school nurse is not available on site

Combined, these services empower school districts with the peace of mind knowing that experienced nurses are on stand-by to provide high quality care to students. This reduces the risk of liability, helps reduce the pressure on school staff, and saves costs and time.

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Avel eCare School Health assists schools by providing safe, cost-effective care for students via telemedicine. Avel eCare’s advanced two-way video technology and specialized equipment connects students and school staff to an experienced registered nurse within 5 minutes.

Avel eCare School Health nurses can:

  • Care for students with unscheduled, urgent health care needs due to injury or illness
  • Design school health programs and provide education to help maintain a safe environment and minimize health-related barriers to students’ ability to learn
  • Develop emergency health plans
  • Guide care for students with chronic or complex health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, life-threatening allergies and seizures
  • Offer medical advice for 504 and Individual Education Program (IEP) plans
  • Provide back-up care when a school nurse isn’t available on-site
  • Refer students to providers and connect families with local resources
  • Support case management and serve as a point of contact for medication refills, side effects, order changes, nursing care to be provided at school, mental health needs, etc.

How it Works

  1. A student experiences an injury, illness or needs assistance with a health condition such as diabetes, asthma, etc.
  2. The designated school staff contacts Avel eCare School Health and requests a two-way video session
  3. An Avel eCare School Health nurse completes a health care assessment of the student through advanced video technology and advises staff member on how to help the student
  4. The staff member may be asked by the Avel eCare School Health nurse to use medical peripherals attached to the mobile cart, such as an otoscope
  5. If needed, the Avel eCare School Health nurse contacts the student’s parents to communicate information about the visit or a need for further follow-up care


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When schools partner with Avel eCare School Health, they experience the benefits that come along with having immediate access to a registered nurse, including:

  • Decreasing their risk of liability when it comes to handling health concerns and delivering medications
  • Adding peace of mind, alleviating stress, and reducing burnout among staff
  • Increasing staff productivity and morale when they can focus on what they do best
  • Providing students with evidence-based care from an experienced registered nurse
  • Saving time and money spent traveling if the school shares a nurse with multiple locations
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  • AMC
  • Pediatric Facilities
  • ACO
  • Rural Presence

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