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OBASHI Consulting
OBASHI Consulting

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Product Description:
Our consultants can support organisations with a wide variety of business challenges including but not limited to; Infrastructure risk management, regulatory compliance, cyber security, business transformation. Our clients often identify a critical need to understand how their business and technology assets relate to each other and the business advantage of optimizing the flow of their data. Obashi solves this. During our consulting projects we utilise our fully scalable OBASHI cloud-based platform to automate the OBASHI Methodology allowing us to model and produce Business & IT diagrams (B&IT’s) and Dataflow Analysis Views (DAVs). Our platform has an intuitive customisable front end that allows the project team to start creating their own visual representations of the way the people, process and technology interact across an organisation. Using the 6 Obashi layers a pictorial and data rich model can be constructed. Like the flow of water, we are continually evolving at Obashi, shaping and changing our landscape. Consulting opportunities and partnerships are driven by our customers and the trends we see shaping our business. Our projects will; • Provide a framework to document and model how people, process and technology interact through a business • Create a single source of truth across an organisation • Provide dynamic reporting across people, process and technology • Provide dataflows through the people, process and technology • Provide understanding of potential disruption and highlight key risks • Align leadership and organisational expectations around a change programme, strategic importance and deliverables • Facilitate better continuity and delivery of change outcomes • Remove false consensus/misalignment amongst leadership • Drive ownership and role clarity required to succeed • Improve integrated bottom up and top down support over time • Reduce apathy/frustration and organisation wide disruption • Mitigate the potential of delayed targets due to poor preparation and assumptions
About Obashi Technology Ltd:
We Help People See Data Flow Obashi Technology Ltd is a Dataflow Technology company, headquartered in Falkirk, Scotland. Obashi Technology Ltd is the world leading dataflow expert and its co-founders have written the fundamental laws and principles around the control, management and governance of the most abundant business resource on the planet: Data. Using our unique OBASHI Methodology and OBASHI Platform, we create clarity by modelling the relationships and dependencies between business and IT assets. We help you see the ‘Big Picture’ of how your business works. We call the movement of information between people, processes, and technology: dataflow. Dataflow is the lifeblood of the modern world. It is as critical to everyday life as the flow of water, energy, and transport. We take for granted the control, management, and governance these flows, and yet when it comes to dataflow, no one speaks the same language. Our OBASHI Platform helps join the dots between people, process and technology. Our fully scalable cloud based OBASHI Platform is designed to control, manage, and govern dataflow. It automates our unique dataflow methodology and allows users to model and produce Business & IT diagrams (B&ITs) and Dataflow Analysis Views (DAVs). The OBASHI Platform has an intuitive customisable front end, which allows the user to start creating their own visual representations of the way the people, process and technology interact across their organisation. The ability to add and export data and simulate ‘what-if scenarios’ enables the user to perform analysis and reporting from the front-end, supporting business critical questioning and strategic decision making. Our OBASHI Methodology and OBASHI Platform together form the key that unlocks organisational challenges related to business optimisation, cyber security, regulatory compliance such as GDPR and PCI DSS, infrastructure risk management, and more. Obashi’s commitment to educating students of all ages on the language of dataflow is a responsibility we are proud and passionate about. As experts in all thing’s dataflow, we have developed ‘OBASHI Learn’ to support the delivery of the Higher National Certificate/Diploma (HNC/D) Unit in Data Flow with the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) and Further Education Colleges. The unit was verified by SQA in 2019 and is being taught to college students across Scotland since January 2020. The methodology developed by Obashi is accredited by APMG International and an online foundation course is available through ITSMZone.
Product Description:
A set of standard measures, reports, and dashboards that enable ACO program quality management through visibility of member-level outcomes and opportunities for program optimization prior to submission.
About Cerner Corporation:
Cerner Corporation is a supplier of healthcare information technology solutions, services, devices and hardware. Cerner solutions optimize processes for healthcare organizations. These solutions are licensed by 9,300 facilities globally, including more than 2,650 hospitals; 3,750 physician practices 40,000 physicians; 500 ambulatory facilities, such as laboratories, ambulatory centers, cardiac facilities, radiology clinics and surgery centers; 800 home health facilities; 40 employer sites and 1,600 retail pharmacies. It operates in two segments: domestic, which includes revenue contributions and expenditures associated with business activity in the United States, and global, which includes revenue contributions and expenditures linked to business activity in Argentina, Aruba, Canada, Cayman Islands, Chile, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain and the United Arab Emirates. On May 23, 2011, it acquired Resource Systems, Inc. On October 17, 2011, it acquired Clairvia, Inc.

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EHR Integrations


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EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

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Company Details

Founded in 2016

Founded in 1979

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