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Futura Life
Futura Life

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Product Description:
Over the past decades, developing drugs has become increasingly more difficult and expensive, leaving many patients with significant unmet need. A constellation of technologies now allows us to construct, perturb, and observe biological model systems in the laboratory, allowing the generation of biomolecular data at unprecedented breadth and scale. At the same time, the tools of data science and machine learning are now solving problems previously thought to be decades away from solution. We aim to combine these technologies to develop a new approach to drug development that might help us cure more people, sooner, and at a much lower cost.
About Insitro:
Over the past decades, developing drugs has become increasingly more difficult and expensive, leaving many patients with significant unmet need. A constellation of technologies now allows us to construct, perturb, and observe biological model systems in the laboratory, allowing the generation of biomolecular data at unprecedented breadth and scale. At the same time, the tools of data science and machine learning are now solving problems previously thought to be decades away from solution. We aim to combine these technologies to develop a new approach to drug development that might help us cure more people, sooner, and at a much lower cost.
Product Description:
A digital health platform, powered by genomic data, for the use of life insurance clients. For life insurers - we provide personalized and effective tools to extend their customers' life expectancy, thus increasing retention and decreasing claims. For life insurance clients - we provide a gamified and personalized experience using their personal DNA, that motivates them to act upon their health. Life insurance clients that use our system are more engaged and live a longer, healthier life. Customer’s privacy is our domain. Our post underwriting solutions are 100% regulatory compliant, we are the Regulatory Firewall. The future is now, Futura Genetics.
About Futura Genetics:
A digital health platform, powered by genomic data, for the use of life insurance clients. For life insurers - we provide personalized and effective tools to extend their customers' life expectancy, thus increasing retention and decreasing claims. For life insurance clients - we provide a gamified and personalized experience using their personal DNA, that motivates them to act upon their health. Life insurance clients that use our system are more engaged and live a longer, healthier life. We are the Regulatory Firewall. Customer’s privacy is our domain. Our post underwriting solutions are 100% regulatory compliant. The future is now, Futura Genetics.

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Use Cases


None provided

Pediatric use cases:

None provided


None provided


Using genetic data has always been the holy grail for life insurance. Strict regulation, genetic anti-discrimination laws, and policyholders’ increasing need for privacy have kept insurers from accessing this data - until now.

Pediatric use cases:

None provided


Therapy Patients

EHR Integrations


None provided

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

None provided

EMRs Supported:

None provided

Hardware Compatibility:

None provided


None provided

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

None provided

EMRs Supported:

None provided

Hardware Compatibility:

None provided

Client Types

None provided
None provided


Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

None provided

Differentiators vs Competitors:

None provided

Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

None provided

Differentiators vs Competitors:

Using genetic data has always been the holy grail for life insurance. Strict regulation, genetic anti-discrimination laws, and policyholders’ increasing need for privacy have kept insurers from accessing this data - until now.



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No content provided


Company Details

Founded in 2018

Founded in 2019

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