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Product Description:

LifeGraph Knowledge: Care Optimization module applies Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, and AI to clinical notes and EMR fields for meaningful cohort comparisons. Using your organization's data, the platform helps you compare similar patients and procedures. You can quickly identify variations in care and opportunities for improvement, take actionable steps, and effectively hold individuals accountable for driving positive change.

Opportunities linked to evidence

Care Optimization leverages your data to identify opportunities for cost reduction, time savings, and improved care — and backs decisions with related journal articles, guidelines, and recommendations from professional organizations. 

The combination of practice-based evidence layered with evidence-based content creates a data story that will engage your physicians in decision-making and driving real change.

Here’s what the RIGHT data can do for your organization

Here are some of the opportunities one health system uncovered with Care Optimzation that contributed to $90M in savings. 

Cost-Efficient Supply Usage

After identifying supply usage variations that had no negative impact on outcomes, physicians standardized the most cost-efficient surgical technique.

$600 savings per case

Shortened Length of Stay

Surgeons unanimously adopted a post-surgical injection that reduced the length of stay.

$1500 savings per case

Process Efficiency

Analyzing surgical closure options led to adopting a more efficient technique that reduced costs.

$470 savings per case

About BurstIQ:

A Whole New Way to Connect, See, and Use Your Data

LifeGraph® from BurstIQ is a next-gen data management platform that seamlessly integrates data across healthcare ecosystems, making it more valuable, actionable, compliant, and secure to create more personalized and relevant patient, provider, and payer experiences and grow your future-ready business.

One Platform. Unlimited Possibilities.

LifeGraph comprises three solutions that serve as a one-stop solution for all your data ecosystem requirements.

Integrate Data Intelligently: LifeGraph Exchange

LifeGraph Exchange integrates data from any source using AI and graph technology to give your data context. It doesn't require you to rip and replace your existing tech stack, rather, it can enhance your current investments and reduce vendor complexity.

LifeGraph Exchange employs blockchain technology to empower:

  • Complete, accurate, timely, and secure data
  • Data ownership and control across your business, partner, and customer ecosystem
  • Enhanced privacy and security for reduced cybersecurity risk
  • Controlled data access and sharing across your organization
  • Verifiable proof of data integrity, improving credibility, and building trust

Explore Data Intuitively: LifeGraph Knowledge

LifeGraph Knowledge gives you deeper insights across your entire data ecosystem. Using knowledge graphs, you can identify patterns, trends, and relationships in large data sets that you might not have seen otherwise so you can:

  • Conduct highly complex queries with ease
  • Improve your decision-making
  • Automate manual processes
  • Make data more accessible to humans and machines
  • Design more intelligent products and services 

Build Relationships and Reinforce Trust: LifeGraph Experience

LifeGraph Experience helps you connect with your customers through hyper-personalized experiences and employs AI pathways to incentivize customers in more meaningful ways. With LifeGraph Experience, you can:

  • Build solid and trustworthy relationships with customers
  • Create loyalty programs and incentivize desired consumer behaviors
  • Create enterprise, partner, and customer ecosystems powered by Web3 Super Apps
  • Offer seamless and superior customer experiences
  • Provide customers with greater value to grow your business

What Can You Build With LifeGraph?

  • System Integration Platforms
  • Enterprise Data Networks and Data Fabrics
  • Consent & Governance Solutions
  • AI Decision Support Platforms
  • Trusted Digital Twin Solutions
  • Knowledge Graph CRMs
  • Hyper-Personalized Engagement Platforms
  • AI-Powered Multi-Sided Marketplaces
  • Super Apps

Product Description:
  • eCART is a research-based, AI-driven software as a medical device (SaMD) that utilizes a machine learning algorithm to continuously assess hospitalized patients’ risk of impending death or intensive care unit (ICU) transfer, assisting medical staff in swift and accurate recognition of patients requiring increased medical attention. eCART draws upon readily available patient data from the EHR, rapidly quantifies disease severity, and predicts likelihood of critical illness onset, hours before it happens.
  • eCART received FDA 510(k) clearance in 2024, with clinical performance data of nearly two million hospitalizations from 21 hospitals, including an unprecedented level of real-world prospective data, to ensure consistent accuracy across geography, age, race, and top medical conditions (e.g. sepsis, COPD, heart failure). 
  • Built upon more than a decade of ongoing scientific research, eCART was developed at UChicago Medicine by Dr. Dana Edelson, MD, MS and Dr. Matthew Churpek, MD, PhD and is well chronicled in published literature. The analytic and workflow have been in use in clinical practice since 2016.
About AgileMD:

At AgileMD, we are building the most advanced real-time predictive analytics and clinical pathways platform for hospitals.

To date, AgileMD tools have been used on more than 4 million patient encounters by more than 135,000 clinical users in over 250 hospitals, including some of the nation's leading academic medical centers. AgileMD's eCART clinical deterioration prediction software is FDA cleared and the first AI-powered early warning device for ward patients to go through the FDA process with real-world prospective data. 

AgileMD is backed by premier start-up partners MATTER, YCombinator, and Rock Health, and our cutting-edge analytics are built on more than decade of ongoing research at the University of Chicago. In 2021, AgileMD garnered nearly $3 million in combined federal research and development funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), including the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA).

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Use Cases


Care Optimization: LifeGraph Knowledge Care Variation looks at data across your health system to help you find variation patterns and shows your biggest opportunities to improve care, reduce costs, and increase efficiencies. 

Pediatric use cases:

None provided

  • Head of Health System Service Lines
  • Chief Medical Officers
  • Quality Officers
  • Supply Chain Managers
  • Cost Analysis Teams

eCART anticipates all cause clinical deterioration in medical-surgical (ward) patients and is validated for sepsis, COPD, heart failure, and COVID-19. The EHR-embedded software device is used to prevent failure to rescue and improve timely ICU transfers using a highly-accurate risk score, an interpretable patient dashboard, and actionable clinical workflows.

Pediatric use cases:

pCART, the pediatric version of eCART, is available for research use and is used in clinical practice today. We would be happy to discuss a partnership.


Medical-surgical nurses and providers, rapid response & critical care teams

EHR Integrations


None provided

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

None provided

EMRs Supported:

None provided

Hardware Compatibility:

None provided


Acute care EMR

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:


EMRs Supported:

Epic, Cerner

Hardware Compatibility:


Client Types


No awards image


Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

None provided

Differentiators vs Competitors:

Our Cohort engine enables apples-to-apples comparisons of patients, providers, and procedures to enable more meaningful clinical analysis.

Improvement opportunities are linked to evidence to engage physicians and encourage improvement actions. 

Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:
  • Continuously monitors EHR data in real time
  • Stratifies hospitalized patients by risk of impending all-cause clinical deterioration and sepsis
  • Notifies inpatient providers when patient may need additional assessment and management
  • Recommends clinical pathways with integrated order entry
Differentiators vs Competitors:
  • Authorized: FDA 510(k) cleared
  • Tested: Derived and validated in nearly 3 million patient encounters across 28 hospitals
  • Experienced: 8+ years in clinical use; 10+ years of published academic literature on value over other early warning scores
  • Accurate: High sensitiviy and specificity, meaning fewer false alarms and more efficient focus on the highest risk patients
  • Integrated: Embedded cross-team workflow ensures that risk scores are not ignored and action is taken
  • Benchmarked: Robust reporting, benchmarking, and implementation support drive quality improvement



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Company Details

Founded in 2015

Founded in 2011

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