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Parasail Health
Parasail Health

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Product Description:
Parasail Health helps doctors and patients focus on treatment instead of payment by offering a suite of products that make medical bills affordable for patients and get doctors paid right away. With affordable patient loans, a simple and intuitive application process and clear estimates of out-of-pocket costs, patients are empowered to make the right decisions for their health. They can get needed treatment immediately even if they have high deductibles. Parasail provides doctors with secure and predictable revenues so they can focus on healing by paying them right away with no risk if the patient defaults on their debt. Parasail’s mission is to humanize the health care system by putting the needs of doctors and patients first. It’s time to focus on what matters.
About Parasail Health:
Parasail Health helps doctors and patients focus on treatment instead of payment by offering a suite of products that make medical bills affordable for patients and get doctors paid right away. With affordable patient loans, a simple and intuitive application process and clear estimates of out-of-pocket costs, patients are empowered to make the right decisions for their health. They can get needed treatment immediately even if they have high deductibles. Parasail provides doctors with secure and predictable revenues so they can focus on healing by paying them right away with no risk if the patient defaults on their debt. Parasail’s mission is to humanize the health care system by putting the needs of doctors and patients first. It’s time to focus on what matters.
Product Description:
Streamlining patient intake, creating a better patient experience and optimizing the registration process. Zenig provides a flexible digital platform eliminating the use of the tedious pen and paper systems of the past and requires no patient download. Automating patient intake maximizes staff efficiencies by reducing old paper based systems which are prone to errors.
About Zenig:
Zenig designs and develops software for healthcare providers to optimize the patient journey in hospitals, clinics, and physician practices. Our innovative solutions improve patient loyalty through faster check-in and reduced wait times, improve operational efficiency by identifying bottlenecks for improvement, and increase staff productivity by providing visibility of patient journey status.

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Use Cases


None provided

Pediatric use cases:

None provided


None provided


None provided

Pediatric use cases:

None provided


None provided

EHR Integrations


None provided

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

None provided

EMRs Supported:

None provided

Hardware Compatibility:

None provided


None provided

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

None provided

EMRs Supported:

None provided

Hardware Compatibility:

None provided

Client Types

None provided


Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

None provided

Differentiators vs Competitors:

None provided

Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

None provided

Differentiators vs Competitors:

None provided



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Company Details

Founded in 2014

Founded in 2012

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