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Product Description:
For provider organizations that lose revenue and create financial distress by billing high out-of-pocket costs to patients with expensive diseases like cancer, Vivor offers PayRx, financial workflow technology that reduces patient responsibility by maximizing the use of assistance programs. PayRx automatically checks patient eligibility for generous but underused financial assistance programs, significantly increasing enrollments. When providers enroll more patients in assistance programs, write-offs/charity decline and patients experience less financial distress. PayRx has helped over 25 hospitals and private practices to secure an average of nearly $5,000 in financial assistance across hundreds of patients. In an IRB-approved pilot study completed at the Duke Cancer Institute, we demonstrated that information about assistance programs improves patient financial knowledge and addresses treatment-related financial concerns. Our API-enabled offering integrates into pre-service and patient collection workflows through partnerships with leading revenue cycle and EHR technology vendors, enabling turnkey financial assistance search
About Vivor:
For provider organizations that lose revenue and create financial distress by billing high out-of-pocket costs to patients with expensive diseases like cancer, Vivor offers PayRx, financial workflow technology that reduces patient responsibility by maximizing the use of assistance programs. PayRx automatically checks patient eligibility for generous but underused financial assistance programs, significantly increasing enrollments. When providers enroll more patients in assistance programs, write-offs/charity decline and patients experience less financial distress. PayRx has helped over 25 hospitals and private practices to secure an average of nearly $5,000 in financial assistance across hundreds of patients. In an IRB-approved pilot study completed at the Duke Cancer Institute, we demonstrated that information about assistance programs improves patient financial knowledge and addresses treatment-related financial concerns. Our API-enabled offering integrates into pre-service and patient collection workflows through partnerships with leading revenue cycle and EHR technology vendors, enabling turnkey financial assistance search
Product Description:
Streamlining patient intake, creating a better patient experience and optimizing the registration process. Zenig provides a flexible digital platform eliminating the use of the tedious pen and paper systems of the past and requires no patient download. Automating patient intake maximizes staff efficiencies by reducing old paper based systems which are prone to errors.
About Zenig:
Zenig designs and develops software for healthcare providers to optimize the patient journey in hospitals, clinics, and physician practices. Our innovative solutions improve patient loyalty through faster check-in and reduced wait times, improve operational efficiency by identifying bottlenecks for improvement, and increase staff productivity by providing visibility of patient journey status.

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Use Cases


None provided

Pediatric use cases:

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None provided


None provided

Pediatric use cases:

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None provided

EHR Integrations


None provided

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

None provided

EMRs Supported:

None provided

Hardware Compatibility:

None provided


None provided

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

None provided

EMRs Supported:

None provided

Hardware Compatibility:

None provided

Client Types

None provided


Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

None provided

Differentiators vs Competitors:

None provided

Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

None provided

Differentiators vs Competitors:

None provided



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Company Details

Founded in 2014

Founded in 2012

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