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BeMe Health
BeMe Health

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Product Description:
Transform the Way You Deliver Care With Enterprise-Wide Patient Education Create stronger relationships with your patients, members, and consumers by delivering health content and tools people need to manage their health—for every situation and on any device. Get complete, consistent, connected health content solutions for your EMR and in your call centers, care and disease management programs, websites, wearables, and portals.
About Healthwise:
Healthwise builds the world’s best health education and software to help hospitals, health systems, health plans, and care management companies turn care moments into lasting relationships with their patients and members. By empowering people to do as much as they can for themselves, ask for the care they need, and say no to the care they don’t need, Healthwise ensures they and their health care providers can achieve better health outcomes. A nonprofit organization, Healthwise develops unbiased, evidence-based, easy-to-understand health content and delivers it through innovative technology that integrates into clinicians’ workflows, patient journeys, and complex health IT systems. Healthwise is committed to providing up-to-date information and sharing its expertise on game-changing approaches such as behavior change and shared decision making.
Product Description:
BeMe Health is a cutting-edge digital behavioral health platform designed specifically for teens, offering accessible and engaging mental health interventions through a familiar mobile interface. By leveraging AI and machine learning, BeMe provides 24/7 health coaching to all teens, regardless of diagnosis code, and includes a curated library of 40,000 pieces of content dedicated to their unique needs. The platform identifies those who may require a higher level of care and ensures access for teens in rural areas, combining science-backed digital tools with live human connection for comprehensive and impactful support.
About BeMe Health:

BeMe is a digital behavioral health company delivering mental health interventions designed specifically for teens. BeMe is designed entirely with teens in mind, meeting them where they are – on their phones - in a fun, safe, familiar mobile modality that combines engaging, science-backed digital tools with live human connection for maximum support and impact.

BeMe taps into the wisdom inside of teens - collaborating with them at every step of design to ensure that the BeMe experience and mental health solutions resonate with their needs. Within the context of

this partnership, which is driven in part by an active Teen Advisory Board as well as by data from real- world users, BeMe has identified that teens respond to the following core elements of the BeMe offering:

1. Content

2. Care Activities 

3. Coaching

4. Community 

5. Crisis Support and Clinical Linkage

Many teen mental health apps struggle to meaningfully engage their user base. While some digital

mental health tools have reported positive user engagement and adherence under certain conditions,

many apps fail to retain users beyond initial registration, with evidence of poor user experience and negative perceptions of app usefulness among adolescents. In contrast, once enrolled, BeMe has seen engagement that exceeds 60%, an average of 20 core activities per user and an average of 8 sessions per month per teen.

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Use Cases


One View, One Voice

Bring your health education and data together, all in one place. Consistent education across your entire enterprise creates one uniform voice to support a patient-centered standard of care.

Health Education for Today and Tomorrow

Meet today’s patient education requirements, including Meaningful Use, Joint Commission, and PCQ measures. And we’ll identify emerging trends and act quickly, so you’ll keep pace with the education requirements of tomorrow.

Do More Than Check the Box

Seamlessly integrate standards-based health education across HIT systems and platforms. We monitor clinical guidelines and update content whenever a change happens, so you can continually provide up-to-date health information to your patients.

Pediatric use cases:

None provided


Clinical staff


None provided

Pediatric use cases:

None provided


None provided

EHR Integrations


Acute care EMR, Ambulatory EMR, Patient portal, Pop health platform, Home health, Website / public online sources

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

None provided

EMRs Supported:


Hardware Compatibility:

None provided


None provided

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

None provided

EMRs Supported:

None provided

Hardware Compatibility:

None provided

Client Types

None provided


No awards image


Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

Location, Location, Location

Let’s face it, we’re on our devices all the time. That’s why, in addition to print options, we deliver patient education across mobile, desktop, and video, wherever and whenever it works best.

Go Beyond the Handout

Provide health education for every encounter and at every touchpoint. Whether you’re looking for easy-to-understand patient instructions, engaging videos, or user-tested decision aids, we’ve got every care moment covered.

Empower and Engage

It’s a fact: patients who are more engaged excel in self-management. Help patients succeed in their health goals with health education that’s easy to understand, offered in multiple languages, and crafted to motivate healthy behaviors.

Differentiators vs Competitors:

Get the most out of your Healthwise solution with expert advice, training, and support. We identify new opportunities, help you understand what’s working and where to improve, and know the importance of working closely with you after the sale and implementation.

Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

None provided

Differentiators vs Competitors:

Why BeMe? What makes us different?

Right now, a teenager is riding the bus to school, standing in the hallway before class, or lying awake in bed each night at 2am struggling with feelings of sadness, stress, loneliness, and disconnection. And the reality is, the likelihood of that teenager getting the mental health support they need is less than a coin toss. Nearly 60% of American teens with symptoms of depression are unable to access treatment, and among those who beat the odds, outpatient dropout rates are staggering with estimates ranging from 28 to 70%. In the face of an unprecedented mental health crisis that both pre-dated and was amplified by the pandemic, historical and ongoing provider shortages, and mounting economic costs, the adolescent mental health landscape demands swift, clear, and focused transformation. In direct response, BeMe Health is leading a new wave of innovation in teen mental health and wellbeing, which prioritizes evidence-based, data-driven strategies and human connected support, cutting edge digital design, all of which has been created in collaboration with teenagers. When taken together, BeMe is well-positioned to provide rapidly scalable, preventive and interventive levels of mental health support to improve outcomes while reducing the cost of care.

Behavioral healthcare is arguably the most operationally complex care delivery of any service line. Moreover, health systems face incredible challenges ahead with declining and uncertain revenue streams coupled with increased operating costs and administrative burdens. Thus, understanding analytics and how they can serve as an all-important lever in improving quality and efficiency while enhancing the value of care provided is critical. Teen mental health solutions must center their efforts on technological solutions and secure their standing in the healthcare consortia through the strategic use of innovative capabilities. Through exhibiting analytics competency around teen mental health support, treatment, and meaningful outcomes, BeMe can drive teen mental health and well-being as the leading service line of tomorrow. Furthermore, teen mental health no longer exists in a vacuum. As such, payment mechanisms must move beyond an outcome only model, to reward care coordination. Indeed, delivery of effective population health management will be predicated upon interoperable, integrated care for teens. In fact, behavioral health should and can drive population health.



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BeMe Demo Overview Video_Prospect (1).mp4


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BeMe_Fact Sheet.pdf


Company Details

Founded in 1975

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