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Product Description:
Leverage Third Eye Health's network of physicians to provide acute level care during nights and weekends to treat patients in-place.
About Third Eye Health:
Third Eye Health is the industry leader in providing acute level medicine to the post acute setting. Third Eye Health's team of physicians, nurse care coordinators, and account managers lead the way in preventing re-hospitalizations. Other providers can leverage Third Eye Health's proprietary telehealth platform to virtually visit their patients in the post acute setting.
Product Description:

Advanced Care - in-home hospital alternative 


DispatchHealth provides hospital-level care in the comfort of a patient’s home. Such patients typically present with general medical conditions that could otherwise result in a hospital admission. DispatchHealth calls this hospital alternative service Advanced Care. Advanced Care reduces unnecessary and costly hospital stays, which improves hospital capacity and throughput while producing superior outcomes for the patient. 

Create "Virtual Bed” revenue & inpatient capacity.

Care team: Our Advanced Care team is led by a hospitalist physician and supported by a nurse practitioner or physician assistant, 24/7 nurse command center and other caregivers (RNs, PT/OT partners) as needed. 

Our in-home hospital alternative care solution, Advanced Care, provides qualifying adult patients with advance medical care, social support, and 24/7 monitoring up to 30-days—all within the comfort of home. 


DispatchHealth’s Advanced Care program can help you: 

- Decrease inpatient hospital admissions and improve hospital system capacity 

- Reduce unnecessary ER visits, SNF stays, and ancillary service utilization 

- Drive significant medical cost savings including reduction in 30-day readmission rates 

- Improve health outcomes and achieve unparalleled patient satisfaction 

- Support the Acute Hospital Care at Home CMS waiver program 

- Enable community providers to directly admit patients 

Learn more here: DispatchHealth.com/AdvancedCare

About DispatchHealth: High-Acuity Care @Home:

DispatchHealth delivers care across the healthcare continuum to keep patients healthy at 

home—from caring for the highest acuity patients with urgent or hospital level needs to supporting transitions of care and ongoing management of chronic conditions—we believe home is where your health is.

DispatchHealth was founded in 2013 to create an integrated, convenient, high touch, care delivery solution that extends the capabilities of a patient’s care team and provides definitive, quality care in the home while decreasing costs. Currently, DispatchHealth serves patients in markets across the US and is poised for continued rapid growth to meet consumer demand.

Partnering with DispatchHealth puts the power of a complete system of in-home care at your fingertips, ready to deploy where and when you want it.

DispatchHealth works closely with health systems, payers, providers, and others to deliver care in the home to help address capacity constraints at brick and mortar facilities, as well reducing medical costs in at-risk/VBC populations through ED, Inpatient, 911 and Observation diversions.

Medical teams are available during the day and also on weekends, evenings and holidays, and can be requested via online, over the phone, or through care coordination referral. DispatchHealth is contracted with most major insurance companies and accepts Medicare and Medicaid.

To learn more about how DispatchHealth can help your health system reduce the total cost of care, improve clinical outcomes, and delight patients by moving high-acuity care into the home visit: https://www.dispatchhealth.com/partners/

Compatibility level

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Use Cases


None provided

Pediatric use cases:

None provided


None provided



An 85-year-old woman who as chronic COPD with 3 inpatient hospitalizations in the past year for COPD exacerbations.  Has decompensated over the past two days with increased O2 requirement, cough, and fever.


Hospital ED evaluates patient confirms COPD exacerbation with an X-ray confirming pneumonia. In coordination with DispatchHealth Advanced Care team patient is admitted and onboarded to the AdvancedCare program

Care Coordination:

When Dispatch team arrives on site, they further risk stratify the patient for appropriateness with diagnostic capabilities on scene (physical assessment, lab- BMP, BNP, lactate, troponin, ECG, Xray). Patient receives daily hospitalist provider and twice daily RN visits, 4 days of IV antibiotics for pneumonia, and a high dose steroid taper, scheduled nebulizer therapies, and IV fluids.

PCP and pulmonologist engaged as a part of the care team up front. PT evaluates the patient in her home and works though safe bathing during her illness.  

As the patient returns to baseline respiratory status and no fever, she is transitioned to transitional phase of care to complete a 15-day episode of care daily. During that time, the patient’s steroid taper is adjusted and new prophylactic antibiotics added due to new symptoms in concert with the patient’s pulmonologist. 

Follow up appointments with PCP and pulmonologist are arranged and transportation is organized. Medication regimen and in-home management system is reviewed and adjusted. The patient’s scale for daily weights (she also has chronic CHF) was malfunctioning and “hasn’t worked in months” so a new one is arranged.  PT reviews conditioning that is commensurate with chronic illnesses. The patient and care team revisit and revise goals of care and advanced directives based on the patient and her daughter’s understanding of her chronic illness. 

Pediatric use cases:

We are able to treat patients ages 3+ Months and older.


Patients ages 3+ Months and older

EHR Integrations


None provided

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

None provided

EMRs Supported:

None provided

Hardware Compatibility:

None provided


Acute care EMR, Ambulatory EMR, Ancillary EMR, Pop health platform, Home health, Community based organizations

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

Use case dependent

EMRs Supported:

Epic, Cerner, athena

Hardware Compatibility:

Not applicable

Client Types

None provided


Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

None provided

Differentiators vs Competitors:

None provided

Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

None provided

Differentiators vs Competitors:

Scalability: We have the proven ability to scale our programs as we have done so for the past 8+ years across the country. With our employed provider group, extensive capabilities, and technology platform.

On-Scene Provider Care: Ability to treat medically complex patients safely with exceptional outcomes, such as 0% for Unexpected Mortality, Serious Safety Events and SNF Admit Rate.  

Ability to Handle 15 or 30 Day Episodes:Allows us to treat patients beyond just their illness, leveraging the amount of time we spend in the home time to bring more value to partners (i.e. attestation, SDOH, Goals of Care, etc.) 

Highest Risk Patients for True Inpatient Replacement: 95% of Admitted Patients Have an Average Charlson Comorbidity Score >5 (highest risk group). Meaning complex patients can be safely treated in the home, freeing up valuable capacity and resources at health systems for higher margin DRG’s.

High Patient Acceptance Rate: Drives more admissions based on the trust we build with patients and their families, resulting in more utilization of program

Payor Relationships: Proven experience contracting with both national and local payors, providing health system partners confidence in long term value potential



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Company Details

Founded in 2014

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