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Product Description:

dacadoo’s Grocery Basket Score (GBS™) is a nutrition scoring solution designed to enhance customer engagement, loyalty, and healthier shopping habits. Providing personalized nutrition insights, the dacadoo GBS™ is designed to create stronger connections and bring added value health programs. 

About dacadoo:

dacadoo is a Swiss based global HealthTech supporting leading brands gloablly. With several products to support a variety of health interactions dacadoo has a large User bases and supports B2B clients across several industries. Recognized by several leading institutions, and most recently by NVIDIA, for our work in AI in Healthcare.

dacadoo’s Digital Health Engagement Platform White Label (DHEP-WL) is a configurable enterprise SaaS solution for rapidly launching proven mobile health apps (IOS, Android) and web applications (WCAG 2.1 certified). Engage your customers, prospects, and employees to embrace a healthy lifestyle with our holistic digital health engagement platform that delivers positive change.

dacadoo’s Grocery Basket Score (GBS™) – a nutrition scoring solution designed for retailers to enhance customer engagement, loyalty, and healthier shopping habits.

dacadoo's Risk Engine is a Health Risk Quantification tool that supports life insurers and health providers to estimate disease risks with limited self-reported health and lifestyle data. Our science-based human health risk assessment calculates mortality and morbidity probabilities and imputes estimated values for missing data, useful for multiple use cases.

Product Description:

Clinicians can order, deliver, and monitor care from one unified platform within their current workflow. These include everything from connected devices to services including meal delivery and transportation, from patient education to surveys and PROs. Looking to alleviate the disparity in healthcare delivery while recognizing common technologies most people share, Xealth helps health systems make digital health a competitive asset.

Xealth enables healthcare teams to order digital content and services as easily as they do medications today. Patients can then access these digital health prescriptions from the provider's portal, so that they can actively manage their health.

About Xealth:

Xealth enables healthcare teams to order digital content and services as easily as they do orders and medications today. Patients can then access these digital health prescriptions from the provider's portal, so that they can actively manage their health. 

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Product Capabilities

Once digital tools are ordered, Xealth can manage all elements of delivery and enrollment, either by sending them directly via email or SMS or via the patient portal (stock or custom-built). As patients use these programs, Xealth tracks engagement and can send reminder notifications.

Tthe Xealth platform has successfully deployed a wide variety of connected device solutions within its digital health formulary across the client base. Remote Patient Monitoring solutions deployed include both broad-based RPM such as VitalTech and Harmonize, and also focused RPM solutions such as Babyscripts, Force Therapeutics, Glooko, and Rimidi. Xealth enhances the native capabilities of each of these RPM solutions through its unique integration within the EHR, allowing for the ordering and monitoring of the RPM solution based on configurable use cases. This integration creates a seamless experience for both patients and clinicians. Xealth’s proprietary dashboard provides insights to the impact of digital solutions, allowing for health systems to gain a better understanding if the solutions they have deployed are having the intended impact.

Xealth brings data and real-time monitoring information back into the health system so care teams can follow the patient’s progress or drive interventions. Digital Care embeds third-party dashboards inside the EHR, making it easy for clinicians to see their patient’s progress without leaving the patient record. Discrete patient data, like PHQ9 scores or blood pressure readings, can be written into the chart and stored alongside similar data. Downstream workflows like notifications, best practice alerts, and patient flags can also be generated within the record.

Xealth’s platform aggregates and organizes digital health tools and related data within the EHR for easy deployment and oversight. Xealth’s core platform is the Digital Care SMART on FHIR app, which can be downloaded from Epic App Market (formerly App Orchard) or Cerner Code Gallery and configured by the health system team to launch directly in the provider’s charting workflow. Xealth’s clinical decision support rules engine can automatically distribute tools, assets, and program enrollment information to patients, as well as present relevant solutions within the patient record in the EHR for manual prescribing. Xealth brings monitoring information back into the health system so care teams can follow the patient’s progress or drive interventions. Digital Care embeds third-party dashboards inside the EHR, making it easy for clinicians to see their patient’s progress without leaving the patient record. Discrete patient data, like PHQ9 scores or blood pressure readings, can be written into the chart and stored alongside similar data. Downstream workflows like notifications, best practice alerts, and patient flags can also be generated within the record.

Xealth streamlines and enables dynamic control of data captured and collected by third party vendors. As organizations use Xealth to connect patients with Apps and RPM tools to collect and monitor patients, Xealth's integrated infrastructure enables the health system to have complete access to that data in a variety of manners. Xealth embeds third-party dashboards inside the EHR, making it easy for clinicians to see their patient’s progress without leaving the patient record. Discrete patient data, like PHQ9 scores or blood pressure readings, can be written into the chart and stored alongside similar data. Downstream workflows like notifications, best practice alerts, and patient flags can also be generated within the record.

Xealth’s platform aggregates and organizes digital health tools and related data within the EHR for easy deployment and oversight. Xealth’s core platform is the Digital Care SMART on FHIR app, which can be downloaded from Epic App Market (formerly App Orchard) or Cerner Code Gallery and configured by the health system team to launch directly in the provider’s charting workflow. Xealth enhances the native capabilities of each digital vendor through its unique integration within the EHR, allowing for the ordering and monitoring of the RPM solution based on configurable use cases. This integration creates a seamless experience for both patients and clinicians. Xealth’s proprietary dashboard provides insights to the impact of digital solutions, allowing for health systems to gain a better understanding if the solutions they have deployed are having the intended impact. Through its extensive Vendor Ecosystem, Xealth has worked collaboratively with over 40 industry recognized providers of digital health applications, clinical content, RPM and others. Maintaining excellent working relationships with vendors embedded in Xealth use cases is part of Xealth’s foundational model for achieving success across the client community.

Xealth’s Digital Command Center provides engagement data for digital tools and content deployed through Xealth. Health systems can see how many patients open an email/text message, click on a card in digital care, and watch or view content. This allows the health system to see if content is being used by patients. Health systems can change the time of deployment of a solution (send sooner or later) and/or send reminders, when there is a lower level of engagement than expected. Xealth’s monitor tab, which is integrated into Epic, displays third party application dashboards within Epic, providing a seamless experience for the clinician. The clinician is also able to see engagement data for content, such as videos/pdfs.

Use Cases


Digital Front Door: Aggregator of health services, point solutions, and traige to support increased efficacy of interventions.

Population Management: Support Users across spectrum of health, from healthy to at risk to in multiple disease states.

Pediatric use cases:

None provided


dacadoo is a B2B SaaS platform, where our Business customers offer our solution either as a fully White Labeled App and Web to their members or through our APIs embedded in their existing User Interfaces (web and mobile).

EHR Integrations


Behavioral health

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

Use case dependent

EMRs Supported:


Hardware Compatibility:

Mobile / Tablet (web optimized), Mobile / Tablet (native app), Other


Acute care EMR, Ambulatory EMR

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

Use case dependent

EMRs Supported:

Epic, Cerner

Hardware Compatibility:

Not applicable

Client Types




Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

Compliment EHR data with lifestyle data captured in real time through the dacadoo Digital Health Engagement Platform.

Differentiators vs Competitors:

Scientifically proven platform to drive higher levels of engagement and deliver reductions in health care costs. Ease of integration of 3rd party services into the UI for delivery of personalised triaged support.

Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:
  • Streamline digital vendor integration
  • Reduce IT/IS resources for use case deployment
  • Provide single UI for all disparate digital tools
  • Manage and control data integration into EHR
Differentiators vs Competitors:
  • Digital app library
  • Advanced EHR integration
  • Smart recommendation triggers
  • Integrated clinical workflows
  • Patient portal integration

Health Equity



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White Label App

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Xealth Overview 2021


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dacadoo API Flyer
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eBook - Patient Centric Digital Health


Company Details

Founded in 2010

Founded in 2014

team illustration
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