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Product Description:
Poor wayfinding leads to confusion, frustration, and time waste, which result in loss of revenue for venue owners and loss of productivity for management. MapsPeople specializes in indoor wayfinding that creates high value for end-users and provides businesses with important insights. With their unique generic indoor navigation platform (proprietary software) MapsPeople equips users with turn-by-turn navigation and a clear overview of the spaces and points of interest. The platform has been developed since 2014, and has now achieved a position as the preferred indoor navigation platform for high-profile logos worldwide. With exponential growth, the company is now heading to become the global market leader in this space. The company is focused on the American and European markets and operates from offices in Austin, Texas and Denmark.
About MapsPeople:
Poor wayfinding leads to confusion, frustration, and time waste, which result in loss of revenue for venue owners and loss of productivity for management. MapsPeople specializes in indoor wayfinding that creates high value for end-users and provides businesses with important insights. With their unique generic indoor navigation platform (proprietary software) MapsPeople equips users with turn-by-turn navigation and a clear overview of the spaces and points of interest. The platform has been developed since 2014, and has now achieved a position as the preferred indoor navigation platform for high-profile logos worldwide. With exponential growth, the company is now heading to become the global market leader in this space. The company is focused on the American and European markets and operates from offices in Austin, Texas and Denmark.
Product Description:

Care Continuity's Inpatient Post-Discharge Patient Navigation solution leverages technology and targeted patient outreach to increase inpatient attachment rates for follow-up care, improve utilizaiton of your provider network, reduce inpatient readmission rates, and provide actionable intelligence on the strength of your provider network. 

About Care Continuity:

Founded in 2014, Care Continuity provides expert patient navigation solutions that are designed to bridge gaps in healthcare, providing seamless transitions between care settings, reducing network leakage, and promoting optimal health outcomes and patient satisfaction. Through a combination of advanced software, AI and a dedicated team of care concierges, we help guide patients through their care journey while maintaining the integrity of the health system network. This translates to greater patient satisfaction, better health outcomes, and increased margins for our clients.

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Use Cases


None provided

Pediatric use cases:

None provided


None provided


A health system is struggling to reduce inpatient readmissions which is negatively impacting their Star ratings. The system believes the readmissions are avoidable if discharged patients attended necessary follow-up and speciality appointments in a timely matter. However, with the data they have, it is difficult to segment their readmission issues by service line, discharge diagnosis, and facility/clinic. 

By leveraging Care Continuity's Inpatient Post-Discharge Patient Navigation services, the health system was not only able to reduce readmissions through better navigation tactics, but they also unlocked valuable insights into network performance. 

Pediatric use cases:

None provided


Medium to extra large health systems

EHR Integrations


None provided

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

None provided

EMRs Supported:

None provided

Hardware Compatibility:

None provided


Acute care EMR, Ambulatory EMR, Ancillary EMR, ERP system, Patient portal, Pop health platform

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:


EMRs Supported:

Epic, Cerner, Meditech, Allscripts, NextGen, athena, GE, eClinicalWorks, McKesson

Hardware Compatibility:

Not applicable

Client Types

None provided
None provided


Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

None provided

Differentiators vs Competitors:

None provided

Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

Leading EHR functionality takes a very basic approach to patient navigation. When utilized, the EHR prioritization queue is binary, labeling every patient as urgent or non-urgent. Instead, Care Continuity not only expands the total number of evaluated data points needed to properly prioritize a patient, but Care Continuity also expands the priority listing to 10 levels, allowing for a more nuanced and tailored navigational experience. 

In addition, the EHR functionality requires the health system to staff a team of navigators. Unfortunately, this largely non-clinical function is staffed by clinical staff, severely hampering their ability to work at the top of their license. 

Care Continuity pairs their purpose-built software with a team of trained, non-clinical concierges who are experts in patient experience and proper navigation.

Differentiators vs Competitors:

With more than a decade of experience working with the nation's leading health systems, Care Continuity has had the honor of navigating millions of patients through the healthcare continuum. 

Leveraging purpose-built software with proprietary algorithms designed to efficiently navigation patients, Care Continuity can provide a customizable, high-ROI solution for health systems of any size.



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Sample Inpatient Post-Discharge Navigation Dashboard


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Care Traffic Control for Your Health System


Company Details

Founded in 1997

Founded in 2008

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