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Product Description:
COVID-19 requires an effective care strategy and the appropriate tools to help minimize the number of active cases spreading within the community. Deloitte’s crisis response tool, ConvergeHEALTH Connect for Rapid Response helps to fortify the organizational imperative to protect patient privacy while shifting care of presumptive COVID-19 cases into the virtual space. It enables providers to efficiently deploy evolving protocols and virtually consult Infectious Disease specialists to advance patients through the continuum of care. Capabilities include an innovative triage tool, a central administrative infrastructure for managing remote treatment, execution of medical care plans, and digital tools to empower patients during treatment.
About ConvergeHEALTH:
We create new digital ecosystems to shape the future of health. Businesses and stakeholders across the health care ecosystem—from health plans and biopharma, to government agencies and health care providers, to start ups and tech giants—are all building the future of health. ConvergeHEALTH is committed to delivering solutions that enable these organizations to put patients at the center of health care. ConvergeHEALTH creates new health ecosystems to enable the future of health by combining next generation platforms, deep industry experience and novel collaboration models. We move with the agility of a health startup, backed by the global reach of Deloitte to design and offer platforms and services that empower the shift to value-based personalized health care. We do this by creating digitally connected ecosystems comprised of analytics platforms, industry partnerships, and world-class consulting services, all with the unified vision of putting patients at the center of health care.
Product Description:

LookDeep is revolutionizing telemedicine by using advanced computer vision and AI technology to help hospitals continuously monitor all patients through VisionAI™. Our pioneering zero-cost hardware model and modern, SOC2-certified software dramatically drive down the cost of inpatient video – enabling hospital-wide deployments supported by a virtual care center. AI-powered video monitoring helps tackle critical issues such as patient safety, room conditions, movement and mobility, and patient location and recovery. With LookDeep, hospitals can be present for every patient at every moment. Learn more at www.lookdeep.health.com.

About LookDeep Health:

LookDeep is revolutionizing acute Virtual Care by using advanced computer vision and AI technology to help hospitals continuously monitor patients through VisionAI. Our pioneering, zero-cost hardware model, and SOC2-certified software dramatically reduces the cost of inpatient video – enabling hospital-wide deployments, not just the typical 3-5% highest risks patients. LookDeep's AI-powered video monitoring is the only peer-reviewed, published AI on the market and helps tackle critical issues such as patient safety, room conditions, movement and mobility, and staff safety. LookDeep's flexible platform also allows hospitals to use the assets they already own, such as their own video equipment and smart TV's. 

LookDeep's complete platform can be used for:

  • Virtual Nursing - Admits, discharges, transfers, mentoring, translation services and more
  • Virtual Sitting / Observation - detect movement, detect lack of movement, prevent falls, prevent elopement, and more
  • Virtual Rounding by Specialists, including PT, Pharmacy, Case Managers and more
  • Family visits to help patients understand and follow discharge orders and for families be present for key updates
  • Flexible Staffing if you don't have the staff to help get your Virtual Care program, we can help with short term or long term trained team members

With LookDeep, hospitals can be Ever Present for Every Patient at every moment.

Compatibility level

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Product Capabilities

Live Video View (Virtual Sitting) or Virtual Visits

Yes, 24/7 tier 2

all data exportable, core metrics for sitting and interactions generally provided

Use Cases


None provided

Pediatric use cases:

None provided


None provided


LookDeep Clinical Action Platform serves to create one flexible platform for multiple video needs inside the hospital (in addition to AI patient monitoring). Supported Tele Use Cases Include Inpatient:

  • Tele Consult
  • e-Sitting
  • eICU (for the ICU or rest of the hospital)
  • Emergency Department (consults / admitted patients)
  • Family Connect (Video Visits)
  • Early Warning / Centralized Monitoring Teams

Pediatric use cases:

None provided


Care Providers, e-Monitors (Sitters or Providers), Patient Family and Loved Ones

EHR Integrations


None provided

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

None provided

EMRs Supported:

None provided

Hardware Compatibility:

None provided


Acute care EMR, ADT

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

Recommended, but not required

EMRs Supported:

Epic, Cerner, Meditech, Allscripts, NextGen

Hardware Compatibility:

Not applicable

Client Types

None provided


Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

None provided

Differentiators vs Competitors:

None provided

Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

Flexibility, Capability and Time to Value. LookDeep can be up and running technically almost instantly and is regularily building and adding new capabilities that are available to the hospital without upgrades or IT intensive labor.

Differentiators vs Competitors:

LookDeep seeks to eliminate the hardware cost ($0 per room) to scale to every room in the hospital and charges based on usage - per patient per day.

In addition, no existing telemedicine platform embeds AI that actually helps monitor patients when a provider cannot be present.

The combination of ubiquitous low cost video for multiple inpatient use cases and a business model that only succeeds if it creates enough value for clinical care leads to long term alignment between the values of the hospital and LookDeep.



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LookDeep Overview


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Lookdeep No Audio.mp4


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LookDeep Survey_2024 Hospital AI Patient Survey.pdf


Company Details

Founded in 2014

Founded in 2019

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