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Product Description:

LogiCall is a cloud-based solution facilitating unscheduled smartphone video calls between patients and their providers — around the clock. LogiCall does not require any software downloads, installations, or hardware. With LogiCall, call details are recorded, stored in a HIPAA-compliant cloud, available for patient review, and seamlessly integrated into the EHR patient record. Designed specifically for use by a patient’s established doctor, this is not a telehealth or appointment scheduling solution, but a dedicated tool for enhancing real-time communication and comprehensive documentation in patient care. 

About LogiCall Health:

LogiCall is a cloud-based solution facilitating unscheduled smartphone video calls between patients and their providers — around the clock.

Product Description:

Paloma Health is a virtual specialty clinic focused on thyroid disease, specifically hypothyroidism. Paloma Health is a "full-stack" virtual clinic helping patients manage hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's from home. The offering includes at-home blood test kits, virtual visits with specialists and nutritionists, dietary and lifestyle interventions, and vitamin supplements. This combination has proven to be life changing for our patients' happiness and productivity when they are struggling to find the right care and have a myriad of symptoms all at once: depression, fatigue, weight gain, brain fog,. The barriers and burdens of traditional hypothyroid care are significant: patients bounce from endocrinologists to nutritionist to primary care. They struggle to find specialists who understand their condition. Paloma Health is a game changer for many patients!

About Paloma Health:

Virtual First Specialty Clinic focused on hypothyroidism

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Product Capabilities

LogiCall does not require any downloads or software for the patient or provider. Before entering the waiting room, patients must authenticate their identity. Providers are required to activate and verify their accounts and phone upon joining the platform. Currently, LogiCall supports only English, and the app will display in English regardless of the user's device locale.

LogiCall’s patient queuing system enables providers to view waiting patients along with their basic data and the urgency of their call. Patients receive text prompts when the provider is ready to begin the visit, minimizing wait times and ensuring timely care based on provider availability. Our platform detects if microphone and camera access are enabled on the device and will alert the user if permissions need to be altered.

LogiCall offers high-resiliency, low-latency video capabilities to ensure smooth and reliable virtual visits, even in challenging network conditions. Providers and patients can seamlessly toggle between video and audio, ensuring continuous communication. This flexibility enhances the overall user experience, maintaining the quality and effectiveness of virtual consultations.

LogiCall call recordings are stored securely for a decade in a HIPAA-compliant cloud. Upon call conclusion, the provider can submit an encounter summary via typing or voice dictation. The seamless integration with leading EMRs/EHRs streamlines adding call data to patient records. Patients receive a shareable call recording after the call concludes to review diagnosis and treatment details.

Tier 1 support is provided by the hospital.

Use Cases


LogiCall can be used for any patient appointments that do not require hands-on care. 

Pediatric use cases:

LogiCall can be used for any patient appointments that do not require hands-on care. 


Primary Care 

Specialty Care  

Behavioral Health 

Geriatric Care 

Pediatric Care

Chronic Disease Management 

Post-Operative Care 


Paloma Health is a virtual specialty clinic focused on thyroid disease, specifically hypothyroidism. Paloma Health is a "full-stack" virtual clinic helping patients manage hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's from home. 

The offering includes at-home blood test kits, virtual visits with specialists, lifestyle interventions, and other chronic condition management tools.

This combination has proven to be life changing for our patients' happiness and productivity when they are struggling to find the right care and have a myriad of symptoms all at once: depression, fatigue, weight gain, brain fog,...

The barriers and burdens of traditional hypothyroid care are significant: patients bounce from endocrinologists to nutritionist to primary care. They struggle to find specialists who understand their condition. Paloma Health is a game changer for many patients!

Pediatric use cases:

None provided


Hypothyroidism affects over 25M Americans, overwhelmingly women. Due to a confluence of factors around quality and convenience of care, dissatisfaction among patients is very high. It affects patients' quality of life starting with work, personal relationships, family, mental health. 

EHR Integrations


Acute care EMR

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

None provided

EMRs Supported:

Epic, Cerner, Meditech, Allscripts, NextGen, athena, GE, eClinicalWorks, McKesson, Other, Allscripts/Eclipsys, Athenahealth, Azalea Health/Prognosis, CPSI, Evident, Healthland, MEDHOST, MedWorx, QuadraMed, Self-developed, Would prefer not to disclose, Point Click Care

Hardware Compatibility:

Mobile / Tablet (web optimized)


None provided

EMR Integration & Relevant Hardware:

Recommended, but not required

EMRs Supported:


Hardware Compatibility:

None provided

Client Types


Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

None provided

Differentiators vs Competitors:

None provided

Differentiators vs EHR Functionality:

We are an online specialty clinic so very different from EHR

Differentiators vs Competitors:

Paloma Health is the only end-to-end online medical practice focusing on hypothyroidism. This differentiates us from testing companies like Everlywell because the testing kit is only the beginning of the patient journey –the subsequent treatment and care is the core of what we do.

Our specialization sets us apart from other digital health players because we specialize deeply into a unique (and prevalent) condition that requires personalized care. This personalized and holistic approach–whether it is our test that includes more biomarkers than most or that our doctors are leading experts on hypothyroidism–sets us apart in the mind of consumers.

Health Equity



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Paloma Health App Explainer video 1.2 (1).mp4


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LogiCall-Value Prop.pdf
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2 pager.pdf


Company Details

Founded in 2018

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