Deploy a flexible solution for better healthcare workforce management
Workforce management in the healthcare industry is complex and nuanced, whether it is managing a variety of employee types, tracking and calculating multiple pay scales, tracking labor in multiple locations or scheduling shifts effectively. Managing all of this efficiently is necessary both for smooth day-to-day operations and to enable your staff to ensure better patient outcomes.
TCP's solutions are uniquely crafted to equip healthcare facilities with flexible, automated tools that dynamically manage their staff. Our configurable time and labor management features allow your administrators to monitor staff that work multiple jobs, work in multiple locations, or even command different pay scales. With our scheduling tools, your managers can meet the challenges of ensuring shifts are properly staffed without spending too much time agonizing over manual schedules. And using any one of our hundreds of integrations, your payroll departments will simplify paydays, reducing the process from days to a matter of a few hours, and ensuring error free, on time payment.
Build better schedules
Automate the scheduling process
Input your staffing requirements and have the schedule-building tool automatically create and deploy a viable schedule.
Never over or under-staff
Ensure you have the right number of qualified employees for every shift with a solution that checks and double-checks your schedules for you.
Drive schedules with data
Make your historical data work for you and deliver insights into how your schedule should look.
Track flexible labor
Manage multiple pay scales
Track and manage employees working multiple roles with different pay by deploying tools to automate and simplify the process.
Cover every location
Deploy a solution that can easily track labor worked in multiple locations or departments as well as deploy effectively across an organization with multiple sites.
Automate daily processes
Streamline the day-to-day with automated calculations, efficient time collection and reports that are delivered automatically to your inbox.
Ensure better compliance
Save time with PBJ reporting
Use TCP’s Payroll-Based Journaling tools to save time and energy on quarterly reports.
Follow state and local regulations
Use any of TCP Software’s many labor tracking tools to ensure that you always stay compliant with all labor laws.
Maintain data security and integrity
Relax knowing your solution is secure and your data is handled in line with SOC-2 standards.
Save time running payroll
Simplify the payroll process
Integrate with your existing payroll system to save valuable time typically spent processing payroll.
Automate labor and overtime calculations
Ensure accurate, error-free calculations for overtime, shift differentials, differing pay scales and more.
Streamline pay cycle protocols
Enhance communication from top-to-bottom with an electronic payroll approval process and automated reports.