Shouldn’t contacting your doctor be as easy as reaching out to your best friend? Patients of Dr. Broc Pratt, plastic surgeon at Carolina Age Management Institute, enjoy that convenience, thanks to his investment in Rhinogram’s HIPAA-compliant, telehealth communication platform. In addition to being able to answer patient queries throughout the day, Dr. Pratt believes he’s saving staff time spent taking and transmitting messages, which makes his practice run more efficiently. What’s more, since he fields more questions himself, he better understands where pre and post-operative instructions might not be sufficiently clear so he can make tweaks. “I knew I was very good at texting friends, family, my wife, and I was wondering, well, why can’t I just do this with patients?” Dr. Pratt says of his search for a text solution. “But if I wait until I’m home to reach back out to a patient, I’m going to forget or I’m not going to do it. And I know I’m not going to document it.” Not only are texts from Rhinogram HIPAA-compliant, they also are archived in the cloud. The same number Dr. Pratt uses to text patients rings the office when patients call, giving him a single point of access. And if a text needs to be addressed by another staff member, transmitting the text securely is a snap.