Supercharge traditional patient consultations with AdviNOW’s AI-powered dynamic chatbot that collects data for 10,000+ various illnesses. AdviNOW asks the patient only questions that need to be asked and completes a preliminary differential assessment to prepare for the physician visit. Instead of vague pre-visit questionaires, confirm precise symptoms before the appointment ever begins, ensuring comprehensive and individualized patient history for efficient visits.
Gather Comprehensive Patient History Before the Visit
With 98% of patients arriving to their appointment already fully registered, AdviNOW's innovative system allows all objective and subjective information to be reveiwed by a physician before their first encounter with the patient.
AdviNOW’s AI assistant chatbot creates a Q&A experience with the patient that mimics a physician's brain, asking only relevant questions needed to truly understand the patient’s needs.
Elevate Your Practice
Customizable self service appointment intake collects patient information and triages to the appropriate level of
care with minimal to no staffing involvement. By assessing responses and symptoms, the AI assistant reduces scheduling challenges for patients and clinics alike.
HPI and ROS in Your EMR
Welcome patients with HPI and ROS discreetly and automatically populated into your EMR ,
saving time and facilitating empathetic and valuable interactions from the start.